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[Mod Request] Walk by default


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Hi everyone ! I want to know if it's possible to make a mod "walk by default" for gamepad, i like walking sometimes, especially in interiors like The Witcher 3 does. So, walk by default or when pressing a button, tell me what do you think about that and if it's possible, thanks.

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bAlwaysRunByDefault=0 doesn't work and push the stick halfway work but it's not the way i like it, i want the to have the same thing like assassin's creed where you walk by default.

I want to walk like when you're over charged with items, you see i think it's more immersive.


By the way, what is the .ini tweak who modify the idle animation when weapon is out in third person? l want my character always aim when weapon is out...

Edited by SEED3733
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From the looks of things it was an issue in Skyrim too. As far as I know the only solution would be to use XPadder or F4SE to make the game think your controller is a keyboard and assign the buttons that way, although you'd probably need a mod to replace the keyboard UI icons with controller ones.

I don't know about the 3rd person thing though. Lowered Weapons for first person actually swaps out the mesh that's used.

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