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Everything posted by PG1

  1. The HxD tool can do that but it's not as simple as just installing a mod pak, follow the instructions carefully. https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/521
  2. Solved, hopefully. https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/765
  3. The walk toggle for keyboard and mouse controls in this game barely functions, any little thing you do turns it back off. I tried using a controller but I just can't get used to the camera movement, feels like I'm moving it through porridge. If anyone can figure out a way to make the toggle work consistently I'd greatly appreciate it.
  4. It took me over a full minute to log in just to say I wholeheartedly agree, especially about disabling Google reCaptcha for those with 2FA. It's not even secure, they've had to replace it 3 times because it keeps getting cracked (publicly, more were uncovered but not released).
  5. I'd like to use the FPS Counter And Post Processing Effects mod but the black pixellation bug doesn't appear to be fixed. P.S. if the mod crashes for you, use the Mouse Fix mod dinput8.dll instead. It means you can't use FPS Counter's... FPS counter, but at least the rest of the mod works without crashing (except the blocky black characters).
  6. This is similar to Skyrim, shooting at targets (even in a contest) doesn't increase your skill level. It'd be really cool to extend the code for the contest points with the conditions for granting bow skill XP to give XP based on which ring you hit (1xp for the straw, 2xp for the white, 3 xp for the black).
  7. I was just in Sasau - a town I'd never been to - and the first person to greet me said "Great to have you back, Henry!". I think this is more dev patch territory.
  8. There was a plan to do this with the village of Pribyslavitz during development but they didn't have time. Maybe some of the work is still present.
  9. There used to be a tool called UnsplitDDS for Cryengine games but it was discontinued and all the links are dead. The new tool was built specifically for Star Citizen, so it might not work but you can give it a try. UnsplitDDS required you to rename the normal DDS file to dds.0 in keeping with the other split files, but I don't know if SC texture converter has the same requirement. E.g. default_mat_warning.dds -> default_mat_warning.dds.0 https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/7490242/
  10. Yeah, pak files are just modified zip files. Any archive software can open them. The only reason Windows Explorer doesn't open them is because it doesn't recognise the extension, if you rename them to .zip (don't actually do that) it'll open them.
  11. Scripting is fairly easy, just open up Scripts.pak in an archive program (7z, Winrar, etc.). The lua and XML files aren't compiled, so you can edit them directly in any text editor. I don't know about assets but the pak files are just zip archives with a different extension, so you can open them up and dig around as much as you like.
  12. The only reference to "sharp" I could find was for anisotropic filtering, which mitigates texture blurring when viewed from an angle.
  13. ====Solved==== https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/105 This is one of the most peculiar, counterproductive effects I've ever seen a game deliberately employ. When you get drunk the game applies a pretty aggressive sharpness filter. The more you drink, the stronger it gets. I had a look through Scripts.pak but couldn't find the relevant source file. If anyone noticed any other dumb effects, feel free to add them.
  14. The video game comparison is nonsense. Mods are often interrelated, video games are discrete entities, even within a franchise. As for who donates, that's just a question of visibility. Even after Nexus adjusted the notifications, the site still doesn't make it that clear that donations are even an option. The fact that modders are forbidden from soliciting donations doesn't help either.
  15. The same issue persists now as then, people simply can't afford hundreds of dollars for mods, and I'm not even talking about single armour mods or minor gameplay things. There are dozens of mods that people consider essential to making the game playable at all. All that will happen is people will only pay for a couple of the central mods like SkyUI and modders of other stuff like Wyrmstooth or Homemaker won't bother because hardly anyone will pay for them. They'll either release them for free anyway or get annoyed that their hard work isn't being rewarded like others and give up entirely. As others have said, donations are the only sensible solution here and Nexus already does that.
  16. In response to post #31664670. #31666055, #31668810, #31675230 are all replies on the same post. Make sure the ESPs were rechecked as well.
  17. Wouldn't logging IP addresses with login attempts clear up some of the confusion?
  18. From the looks of things it was an issue in Skyrim too. As far as I know the only solution would be to use XPadder or F4SE to make the game think your controller is a keyboard and assign the buttons that way, although you'd probably need a mod to replace the keyboard UI icons with controller ones. I don't know about the 3rd person thing though. Lowered Weapons for first person actually swaps out the mesh that's used.
  19. bAlwaysRunByDefault=0 doesn't work? I've never used a gamepad in Bethesda games but I thought they worked by just pushing the stick halfway.
  20. Would it be possible to replace the distant water LOD texture with something that in some way resembles the near texture? Why on earth would Bethesda think waves of a completely different shape would mask the lower quality and sharp cutoff point?
  21. The game doesn't use loose folders (except a couple of string files), only mods do. If you don't have a Sound folder it's because you don't have any sound mods installed. If you've downloaded a mod that only has audio files then you'll need to make the folders yourself. It might be worth you watching Gopher's modding introduction videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq-VZAumD-o
  22. It's just alias crawling. Only temporal anti-aliasing or very, very heavy downsampling gets rid of it.
  23. Before Skyrim was announced, when the rumours were rumbling, Todd Howard said they had a license for Gamebryo tech for two more games. Fallout 4 is the second.
  24. If you're on Nvidia you can use adaptive Vsync in the control panel instead. It only turns on if you go over your monitor's refresh rate. According to PC Gaming Wiki it even fixes the game speed issues for peope with +60Hz monitors.
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