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Toolset: missing resources. HELP!

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My Toolset (Version 1.0.982.0; Database Version works. Nevertheless I think, that it isn't complete. Is this possible?


I want to learn, how to make cutscenes. For this reason I watched a tutorial and parallel tried myself into the Toolset.


Everything went well until the point when I came to the View Points:


- (Double-)click should make the object inspector appear. OK.

- Scrolling down (into the object inspector) just to the point SETTING. OK

- First point of SETTING is AREA. OK

- AREA has got the vanilla setting (NONE). OK

- clicking NONE makes THREE LITTLE POINTS appear. OK

- clicking THREE LITTLE POINTS should make appear 20(!) Folders, especially PARTY CAMP, which I am lookimg for.


But not for me. I only found three folders (GLOBAL (with only char_stage in it), Demo and Writer's Comp).


What shall I do?


By the way, that's not the first time, that I got the impression, that something missed. If I use the searching field for persons for example, it won't show me all the fitting files.

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you need to create your own module according to your needs, ie extend the single player or make a standalone. if you extend the game you will have all of the DA assets in the toolset available. if its standalone you'll have very little. use this tutorial to show you how to do it. https://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Creating_a_module Edited by LadyHonor
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Thank you for your kind hint! I used the Wiki concerning CREATING A MODULE, but my Toolset still doesn't show me the areas. I am very sad. (Into the tutorial there are beside the folders DEBUG and GLOBAL still ARL EAMON, several BACKGROUNDS, BROKEN CIRCLE, CLIMAX and others.)


When I start with a new module, I make it the following way:


- clicking FILE


- clicking NEW

- completing the wished NAME (for example Tent)

- completing a fitting UID (for example rosvi_tent)

- changing the EXTENDED MODULE from (None) to Single Player


- clicking HIERARCHIE

- choosing Single Player


What am I doing wrong?

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The whole folder Debug misses! The folder Global is there, with the file char_stage as its only content. The whole folder Arl Eamon misses.


I've just read something about a possible solution: Maybe my Toolset cannot "communicate" with the english databank and cannot find these files. I am just lokking for a possibility to change the language setting of my Toolset from German to English, but I am afraid, there isn't any language setting at all...

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Definitively a database issue. You can't find the language setting in the toolset; it is a database property. Your issue sounds like the empty palette problem:



Check the language setting following the wiki description. (SQL Management Studio or SQL Express required.)

Only the language setting for your user name should be English. Don't change the properties for any other logins. German or any other deviation from English as default language works fine for those. (German is my default setting as well)


Hopefully the change of the language setting solves your database issue.

Edited by YaraC
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Or it is still a problem with the module. char_stage is the only Core resource; the other area files are all (the ones I checked anyway) are all Single Player resources. For the empty palette problem I would have expected the palette to be entirely empty.

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  • 2 months later...

The problem (empty palette) is solved! Many thanks to all helpers, especially to YaraC!


Maybe some other people (with VISTA) are interested in. So, here's what I did:


- installing SQL Server 2005 service paket 2 (Express version)

- installing SQL Server 2005 service paket 3 (Express version)


- changing the authorization into the SQL Server Configuration (to finally authorizise my own admintrator acces of my pc) [EDIT: into the SQL Server SURFACE configuration; thanks to Yara for this important correction!!]

- changing the setting into the SQL Server Studio concerning the language (from German to English)


Et voilà. The resources appear into the Toolset (opened as administrator). Hurrah!

Edited by rosvitacousland
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