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rename save games


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is there a way to rename the save games so they show up in the load order? some of the older games alowed for renaming the files in the saves folder and the renamed saves showed up in the load order when in the game but it doesn't seem to work with FO4. It's hard to tell what save is what when they all say commonwealth.

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Not currently, if you could rename saves, you would get that option, when saving.


Look for save editing mods, the name of the file isn't what you see in game anyway. You need to edit the internal name, not the external one.

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On the save names they may be hard coded to the location, but they are numbered in sequence.

Also you can now have character specific saves in game. So you can at least group them together, in game, even if they're mixed up as files. I've not tried it yet. So don't know if they get separate folders.

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On the save names they may be hard coded to the location, but they are numbered in sequence.

Also you can now have character specific saves in game. So you can at least group them together, in game, even if they're mixed up as files. I've not tried it yet. So don't know if they get separate folders.

awesome thanks!

Edited by silvergriffin1963
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On the save names they may be hard coded to the location, but they are numbered in sequence.

Also you can now have character specific saves in game. So you can at least group them together, in game, even if they're mixed up as files. I've not tried it yet. So don't know if they get separate folders.

They don't get separate folders.

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