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Modding Oblivion Tips?


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Mod Managers:


I was thinking about using Mod Organizer, I've used it with Fallout 3 and It was fine. But does MO work well with Oblivion and will I have to use other Mod Managers such as OBMM or will I be able to use MO for everything I install?


Of course I will be using Wrye Bash also.


Load Order Programs:


LOOT and BOSS, which one would be better, I've seen on the BOSS page that they drift more towards BOSS rather than LOOT but I'd like to hear some other opinions.




Last time I tried to mod Oblivion, it did go smoothly-ish I managed to get all the mods I wanted installed correctly, and start a new game and play. The game was running very well, no lag, barely any glitches. But I think I may have over done it, and maybe something to do with video memory it would cause my game to crash constantly, so this time round after any mod I install I play, spend some time around heavy memory areas like the waterfront, and maybe travel to Chorrol from the Imperial City, might take a while but I'd rather use the time to do that and see if the game is running fine after mods I'd installed so It would be easier to find the culprit and deal with it.


But apart from that, are there any other tips that you guys could share, like ini tweaks, other mods etc.


Thanks guys!



OS:Windows 10 Professional 64bit(New since last playthrough)

Processor: Intel Core i7-3770k CPU 3.50GHz


Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 970 4GB(New since last playthrough)

SSD: Samsung EVO 500GB(New since last playthrough)

Edited by Iameggman
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Go here for the best tutorial on Oblivion INI tweaking http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html


LOOT is newer than BOSS and uses a different method of setting order. This caused some older BOSS users that tried it to panic when their load came out different. BOSS is no longer supported and the master list may not have newer mods.


I have never used MO for Oblivion. I stayed with OBMM as I already knew how it worked - And it does have some Oblivion specific features also.


You will need OBSE - get it here: http://obse.silverlock.org/


If you want profiles, there is a mod for that: (profiles are built into both MO and NMM but not OBMM)

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I'm definitely going to go with LOOT, see how that goes.


I'll give Mod Organizer a try, but I'll probably have to download OBMM aswell because I know there will be some mods that will install better with OBMM, why I just don't use it, well, I like some features from MO, but surely It can't hurt to use to two Managers to install my mods can it?

Edited by Iameggman
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It's doable, just add OBMM as an executable in MO, although I wouldn't recommend uninstalling anything in OBMM. Another tip, OBSE plugins don't seem to work when installed via MO, I put them in the actual folder.. It's been a bit tricky but fun to work out.. Need any more tips let me know :)

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I've got LOOT, Wrye Bash and OBMM added all into MO. So when ever I add a mod via OBMM it needs to be opened by MO I presume.


I'm just having nightmares of my previous Oblivion modding extravaganza, I think I just got to big for my boots as I'd finally learn't how to install everything and maybe added way to much.


I'll start with the Utilities like LOD Gen, Unofficial Patches, DARN UI.


Then textures, Qarls Texture Pack, etc.

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A good start.. Yes, when you open OBMM and install your mod, when you close it MO will put the files in the overwrite file (left panel, at the bottom)..

Modesty is key.. But where's the fun in that?

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LOOT actually got a couple things wrong in my load order last time I did some complete reinstall though and BOSS later fixed it. Why does BOSS say "use LOOT" and then other people say LOOT gets some mod load order wrong? I can't remember where I read that but it was explicitly stated not to use LOOT.

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My understanding is that the LOOT team isn't supporting Oblivion, whereas BOSS has mhahn123 updating the masterlist (and I think someone else is looking at updating BOSS itself, but I could be mistaken there).

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I want to ask regarding BOSS list

how long newly created mod list will be recognized by BOSS ?

because I read in somewhere (sorry I forgot) that BOSS will not going to be updated again

many great mod new ESP that come, is like abandoned by BOSS and all pile up bellow 'bashed patch'

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Report unrecognized mods at BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion. Include the ESP name and a link to the mod if possible. If you have any recommendations concerning load order include them (perhaps through your own tests at manually placing the mod in your load order).

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