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Much Needed Mod


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I need at least in my game a Head slap mod. Example= Head slap ( Will you shutup or whisper I'm sneakin here!), Head slap (Will you get in the elevator Darn it) Head slap Stop bringing me that crap I didn't want the last 10 times you brought it.) Head slap (It's not junk I need this stuff.) Head slap ( Stop Pissin them off that's my job.) Head slap (Where the heck are you going Now!) Head slap ( Look your legs are fine Just keep up.) I need you to get out of that power armor Head slap (I'm talking to you stupid) Head slap ( Will you get out of the way.) Head Slap ( I cant make a shot your in the way duck or something.)


Well I'm glad I got that off my chest. I know there's more but those are the important ones.

I hope my fun request doesn't offend anyone.


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This is exactly why I always leave my companions at a settlement somewhere.

Although this mod would be a stroke of genius xD


Mhmm. I'm sneaking through a raider camp and pick up an oil can or something and codsworth decides to say as loud as possible: "I'd eat my hat if there's a use for that" and I'm thinking to myself "I wish you'd eat your hat. Anything in your mouth to stifle the damn sound coming out of it..."

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This is exactly why I always leave my companions at a settlement somewhere.

Although this mod would be a stroke of genius xD


Mhmm. I'm sneaking through a raider camp and pick up an oil can or something and codsworth decides to say as loud as possible: "I'd eat my hat if there's a use for that" and I'm thinking to myself "I wish you'd eat your hat. Anything in your mouth to stifle the damn sound coming out of it..."


Codsworth can't eat he doesn't have a mouth. nor does he have hair. Ok I'm done haha

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