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Weapon placement


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Hi there

I have searched but did not find any hits on this

I just need to find out, if you put away your sword what determines where the sword is put.

I have a female elf and she always puts any sword by her side and not on her back is there a way that you can set it so that it is put away on the back and not on the side of the char?


Thanks o_O

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Also, I don't its possible to change a onehand weapon to go on the back. If you edit the model for the sword you may be able to make it sit on the back, but the animations for drawing/sheathing it would stay as they are.
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As mentioned, only the two-handed claymore type of sword will be slung onto a character's back. They have superior reach and have the highest physical damage of any blade-type weapon, but there are a few disadvantages:


1) Slow swing speed, especially compared to a dagger. It's a direct correlation: the longer the weapon, the slower it moves.


2) No shield. Two handed sword means that any shield you equip on a character cannot be employed: the armor rating of the shield does not factor in, and blocking isn't as effective. You can, however, block incoming blows with the sword itself (just not as effectively as a shield). In addition, any magical enchantment (extra life, resistances to magic, etc) on an equipped shield still applies whether it can be held in your left hand or not, so you can consider the shield as just a huge ring or amulet, if anything else.


3) No bonus to a sneak attack. The 4x or 6x damage multiplier you get when you strike a target while in Sneak mode only applies to one-handed weapons. You can pull off a sneak attack with a claymore, but it deals the same damage as standing up. In fact, it's better that you stand up just before you swing a claymore at a target, because you swing the blade even slower when crouched.

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Yes, a Master can ignore a target's armor with any kind of physical attack, I'd venture.


However, every time you make a sneak attack with a two-handed claymore, warhammer, or battleaxe, the message you will always get on the screen is "Sneak Attack for 1x Damage!", which means there is no damage multiplier applied to the attack.

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Coincidentally, I had a cool thought. What if yoou could have both a one handed and a two handed weapon SHOWING at the same time. Notice I said SHOWING and not equipped. The result would be an assassin with a dagger in her belt, but a claymore on her back.
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Can you edit the attributes of the one-handed sword to make the game think it's a two-hander and therefore be slung over the back, without affecting swing speed and reach?
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