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NPC Settlement visitors


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  • 5 months later...

Bump! Would love a mod that brings random visitors to your settlements. They could stay a day or if there are enough beds stay a night or two and as op says, visit the stalls (which are particularly bland day in day out). Would be great if modders could consider this! Even if it's just 4 or 5 of them, it'd certainly make "business style" settlements more interesting. Didn't Wiseman say he wanted people to visit the Slog? One reason, though for me it's cos I've made a jurassic park style Spectacle Island...


Tried and failed with creation kit myself. Though I could see it working like this, under Stores you get an additional one, Ticket Desk/Check in or something that will trigger random visitors. Although I don't know what is and isn't possible, looking at other mods and what the vanilla experience contains, figure a holotape interface or such could offer a variety of interesting features like opening hours (basically when someone will stay assigned to check-in), max visitors, entrance fee (so now YOU can be one of those bastards that demands a fee for you to enter a major settlement haha). You could do a "tour" mode which sets visitors to escort after check in, or move to pre-defined points (ie the loo on spectacle island with the skeletal couple in it) and/or they will follow you around in the opening hours or sth.


Someone could have a lot of fun with a visitor mod :wink: If considered by someone, I'll be happy to arrange and contribute some additional voices, music, text and things that don't involve me trying to use creation kit...

Edited by m0ds1984
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Yep. Standalone or part of something bigger... I'm keeping an eye out for any and all mods along these lines (mods to NPCs). There is that Skyrim mod where NPC's walk up to stores and I think even buy stuff, and that other one where you can build a community (I don't think it was finished) which had taxes/rent options. So many of the mechanics needed for fallout 4 visitors are already possible (if its a similar process to skyrim modding), but it is someone's time and effort. I think another important feature would be the ability to change the NPC's goddamn spawn points, some of them are pretty awful (spectacle island for one). Settlement system is a lot of fun as it is, really great that they have it working here, but clearly much more potential to unlock...unlock before the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout, with any luck :wink: (the commonwealth is great place!)

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workshopnpcscript has entries for NPCs to sit, eat, and "relax" among other things and they do tend to do these at different times of day you probably just missed them because NPCs that are assigned to work on something work insanely long hours and will sometimes just do things like pick mutfruit for 14 hours and then immediately go to their beds. There are some assigned tasks that they will never leave like artillery or guardposts

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Great idea! This would make the game feel so much more alive and as a concept it could be build upon a lot!


In order to have visitors you would have to meet certain criteria like perks(local leader), free beds, you can actually use a whole different item called "guest bed" that is just for visitors and place it in to a "hotel" building that has "receptionist stand" job that generates $ and happyness and of course these "Guests" would be programmed to visit most often shops and restaurants.

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I would totally love this idea to become a Mod. It would be great having some singular visitors or small groups (maybe a family unit of 3 or 4) that come by looking for supplies like purified water. Some might be beggars Some might not be able to afford a stimpack but they have a family member that needs one to fix a crippled limb before it gets unrestorable. Some could come to do legitimate shopping. Some could come by asking if there is any room for them in your settlement. LOTS of roleplay opportunities with a mod like this. Might develop some NPC strangers as regular visitors to certain settlements. Imagine a hermit type that only comes to the settlement once every couple of months, for a few supplies they can't get on their own. The hermit really doesn't want to have any real social contact and just comes by to purchase things, and their replies to greetings might be ...gruff, or they just don't like other people getting too close to them.


Some visitors might be loony, and we all know that discussions with delusional or mentally challenged people can be fun.. Some visitors might be criminal and try to do some pickpocketing. Some could simply be down on their luck and need someplace to stay the night. I remember an encounter in Skyrim where I met a family on the road that told me about a recent dragon attack and how it burned their home to the ground. My dialogue options gave me a choice to just wish them well or to give them some coins, or to simply ignore them. I can easily see situations in FO4 where a person or small group might easily become displaced. Heck, a bad rad storm could tear down some shacks I am sure. Bethesda has always been a little -- deficient on making their cities, settlements, towns, etc....seem alive, Fallout 4 really suffers a bit more than the other games in that there are few places where interaction can be predicted. Diamond City is pretty much it. At the start of FO4...all the other locations on the map are either hostile or almost abandoned.


So yeah, this idea would be great if it could come to life. It seems "do-able" after seeing the work that has already been done on Mods like "We are the Minutemen" and "Minutemen Overhaul", those Mods add travelling groups that go from area to area.

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  • 10 months later...

it's pretty damn unimmersive that they don't. Then again, so are "radiant" quests.


But yeah, I'd LOVE to have settlement visitors so that my settlemants could see more alive. And where do all your caps come from? Nobody seems to use my shops but me :-/


...maybe the mysterious stranger is also a mysterious shopper?

Edited by ambionstitches
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