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heres how to edit and swap scope crosshairs/reticles


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as far as i know u cant add new ones to the game atm..but i found u can swap crosshairs that u like already in game with others already in the game..simply extract scopemenu.swf from the interface.ba2 file located in fallout4/data folder using bae tool... use jpexs editor to edit the scopemenu.swf file..look through the shapes find the crosshair u like.. look at the name and number... right click on the one u want to replace..choose the replace option from there and name it exactly what the other is named ..thats it ..the other one will swap on its own..now take the now edited scopemenu.swf file and drop it in fallout4/data/interface.. if the interface folder is not there simply create one ..also if u dont like that oval shadow around the scopes u can delete the defineshape4(12) shape! enjoy!

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  • 7 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Hello everyone!

Hope this thread is still alive. I've got a trouble with editing ScopeMenu: I've extracted one shape as PNG and made some tweaks in Photoshop. But if I replace the original shape with my one I just see a green sqare in the game instead of the scope. If anyone knows why this may happen I'd be glad to hear. Thanks in advance.

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