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Pictures of eyes

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This might be a dumb question, but I'm trying to get good pictures of character eyes for a mod, and I'm not sure how to do it properly. xD


I'm using these console commands for pictures in-game

tfc //toggle free camera
tgp //toggle game pause
tm  //toggle menu (hud)

I can only get so close to the face in tfc before the eyes vanish from the head (this includes the eyes I've made, the vanilla eyes, and any of the eyes on the nexus) and it's not really close enough to get good pictures.


My settings are on ultra and res is 1600x900


Any help/tips?

Edited by therickyhorrorshow
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Use sucsm 1 to slow the camera right down then try lowering the FOV, that tends to bring things right in, for character shots I enter fov 20 into the console (just enter fov to get back to default). This is from FO3 but it does show the eye detail very clearly even in poor light. http://puu.sh/lLhLl/462eace3f8.jpg

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Use sucsm 1 to slow the camera right down then try lowering the FOV, that tends to bring things right in, for character shots I enter fov 20 into the console (just enter fov to get back to default). This is from FO3 but it does show the eye detail very clearly even in poor light. http://puu.sh/lLhLl/462eace3f8.jpg


Thank you, changing the fov what just what I needed, I feel so stupid. xD Thank you!

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