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Better Houses


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Can someone please create some better walls for the player house and some new fences ? I'm not good with 3D graphics otherwise I'd do it myself.

#1 Wood walls - that looks like they were made from planks or half logs. I think it would be fitting for a post nuclear wasteland that we use wood as a construction material.

#2 A version of the current wood wall that has no holes and less rust , maybe even a cleaned metal version (without the shine of chrome but that of cleaned up stainless steel)

#3 Windows - the player gets a lot of glass and crystals but has no windows - give me some sunlight please

#4 Concrete walls - for that extra safe feeling


#5 And for concrete walls - reinforced windows - they use a lot of glass and plastic but they look like the could easily survive a mini nuke - basically really thick windows.

Thank you :happy:

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you would think, with the kind of weather one can face in this 'environment' that they would have, you know, built walls that actually stopped wind. or roofs that were not riddled with holes.


But then again, look at the areas they (the residents of the commonwealth) decided to set up homes in... with all those unused, mostly intact buildings dotting the landscape...

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