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Pre-GECK gun rebalance/fun-killing planning


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Which may or may not align with anyone else's desires.


An inherent problem is I haven't actually fully tested out all the guns so I really only know about a good 50% of them.

I've attempted to use TESEDIT but the problem is I need to f*** with more things than just raw damage, and GECK will likely have the DPS calculator built into it.

  • Normalize guns to make them more specialized;
  • Adjust bullet prices accordingly, normalize ammo availability and perhaps make them more scarce.
  • Equalize base prices of guns, increase value of receiver/melee mods if necessary to reach vanilla range.
  • Cap Health, Cap Enemy Health, Cap Enemy Damage; [Acquire and combine with decent 'Aggressive AI' Mod]
  • Give [Model-less; I'm worthless] Mods to low-end weapons to bring them to par with high-end guns where needed.
  • Make NPC guns more varied and not limited to enemy type/level.



Assault rifles become the ammo burners while pipe rifles have high raw damage/low acc/low fire rate to become the go-to gun for bullet savings. Combat types will become the middle ground.

Give Melee weapons the same damage according to speed range. Although since 2handers get fast 1handed anims in third-person power armor, unarmed is still pretty useless. I haven't really tried unarmed power armor itself though.





The lowest with maximum discount will only be down to 1:2/1:3 ratio, to prevent bullets becoming back-up caps when the vendor simply runs out of caps buy your junk. Create 5mm ammo packs instead of the 1:1 so there's no need to try double it's damage output thereby making it OP at end-game when you have 30k caps to burn for ammo at goodneighbor's three ammo shops for a total of 1400ish bullets each vendor restock. Not to mention, if you always buy ammo at every opportunity, you'll end up with 20k bullets by the time you reach that point and spec heavy guns at level 50+. Getting a legendary-type minigun that increases damage by 10-15 and even using accelerated bullets to monopolize that, it's still very hard to find anything that doesn't die instantly.




Give .50 Receiver to Revolver for low hip-fire accuracy and more range. [it's magic]

Give Energy, Stun, and Explosive bullet mods to Revolver, in addition to increased hip-fire. 6 rate means it has to reach damn near Gauss Rifle levels of damage before it even compares to plasma sniper pistol, the idea is to give it more of an edge without screwing up anims by trying to increase fire-rate or it's damage too much.




Worst Case Scenario, someone else creates a better version and I just use that as a base to edit for personal use only.

EDIT: Kay then, just gonna have to wait for someone else to make something better.

Edited by GideonIon
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Sounds pretty good so far, but you don't need to wait for GECK if you don't want to. There's about 4-5 rebalancing mods out there, but I take it you'd be focused entirely on weapons from what I'm seeing here?

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