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Any way to remove scenery objects in settlements?


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As per the title is there any way to remove scenery objects in fallout 4 without the creation kit? Existing houses, the tree, hedges, etc. Would like to build one huge mega structure but going high enough to seal off the existing stuff would take a huge chunk out of what I can do. Disable doesn't work anymore, nor does markfordelete.


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I have had some luck with the console. Using the "markfordelete" command but this is something you need to be careful using. Save before.....and after the delete command then reload the after delete to see if you got the object you were trying for. I deleted alot of ground clutter around my buildings. I got some of the wires from telephone posts and what not. I also used a mod to clean up *scrap scrap mod* to get other stuff. I've made my home look pretty tidy. I was able to delete some of the bushes/hedges/pants with the combination of the mod and that console command.

I also once deleted the concrete foundation of the ground i was building on. SO luckily I had a save from before the delete. So be-careful with it!

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There is also disable and enable. Open console type in disable, click on object and hit enter. Be very careful as it can remove objects behind or around it. If that happens do not click on anything else type in enable and hit enter. Close console and object should come back. To be safe make a save you can go back to just in case. I have used this to remove houses, hedges and bodies that can't be removed in build mode or with the mod scrap scrap. I still don't know how the settlers will interact with houses or objects I put in the place of a house I removed so up to you how much you want to remove using this. There is a script mod I think called cleanable settlements that does this as well but doesn't seem to do anything different but might stop bugs happening with settler interaction. Not sure but maybe check it out.

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