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Stop making boob mods and armor for boob mods.


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Again you are making the assumption that because you don't want use something in your game that no one should be allowed to use it or even see it. How about if the author of that mod demanded that all guys in YOUR game should look like that :facepalm: Isn't that what you are saying. I don't like it so no one should like it. My guess is very few users actually do use that mod. I have no clue why. I also have no clue why people want My Little Pony mods or a lot of others either, but for some reason they do. And I do not judge them for what mods they use. :rolleyes:


It is not something I would use in my game. But does that mean that you get to decide that they cannot use it?


As for your last point, as my father used to say, "What if bullfrogs had wings?" - well, they don't. And Skyrim doesn't come with that mod built in - so totally irrelevant. :whistling:


It's OK - really, that you don't like some mods. We really don't expect everyone to like every mod. We do have a tag system to allow you to not see those mods you really don't want to see. Why are you even looking at those mods if you disapprove so much? :huh:

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Yeah, see, "strange" is very relative. You think something is "strange" because it does not pertain to what you think is "normal". That is a fallacy that is not exclusive to mods.


Some people think it is strange to wear huge lip plates, while they think it is normal to stare into an electronic device 18 hours a day. Others think the reverse to be true.

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Again you are making the assumption that because you don't want use something in your game that no one should be allowed to use it or even see it. Isn't that what you are saying. I don't like it so no one should like it.


No not at all. But again there is a difference between a simple retexture of something or anything like that that just doesn't fit my personal taste and a mod that gives the males the wrong genitals.


Why are you even looking at those mods if you disapprove so much? :huh:


I don't know! I just wanna understand it why somebody would want to have mods like that and nobody seems to be able to give me a reasonable explanation.


And please be so kind to answer my question if YOU think that making/wanting these mods is normal in your eyes. You already said that you wouldn't use that kind of thing (thank you for that!).


Yeah, see, "strange" is very relative. You think something is "strange" because it does not pertain to what you think is "normal". That is a fallacy that is not exclusive to mods.


Come on! We both know that a vast majority of people will consider that kind of thing as "not normal".

Edited by Novem99
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Thats how humanity is, and its not just modding.


Like this dick pot, someone probably just thought "i will put some dicks on a pot for the lols :D"



or the vagina pot http://i.imgur.com/1leUrZh.png i bet it sold well :wink:


Theres probably countless like that and also others with hunting representations or ritual representations, cultural "lore friendly" or something like that. XD


In the first instance, the artist was told to design a "Crock" pot.... but someone sneezed on the blueprints.


I agree with Lordkoz, after all, where would we all be without the Venus figurines of 40,000 years ago? They be mere reminders to "Get thee forth and fu.... um, multiply!



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Come on! We both know that a vast majority of people will consider that kind of thing as "not normal".

What does being or not being 'normal' have to do with these mods? Someone must want them of no one would be downloading them. I'm sure some DL just to see something they consider not normal, laugh then delete it.


Based on 'Normal' what is normal about dragons swooping down on you or magic? It is all fantasy, and your fantasy may not be the same as someone else's fantasy.

Trying to get inside someone else's head is counterproductive. Psychiatrists spend years and admit they cannot understand what makes many people tick.

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Based on 'Normal' what is normal about dragons swooping down on you or magic? It is all fantasy, and your fantasy may not be the same as someone else's fantasy.


Very old argument and sorry to say but it is totally nonsense. Of course dragons and magic are not normal or realistic...on planet Earth! But on Tamriel they are integral parts of the natural environment. Dudes with dicks as big as pipelines are not. Otherwise Bethesda already had implemented some of these outgrowths.


Skyrim may be fantasy but even the fantasy elements are following certain "rules/laws". That is why you cannot justify anything with reference to being fantasy.

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Now you are making up facts about an imaginary place to suit your own fantasy. And to trying to support an untenable argument with logical fallacy. Here is a link to the most common logical fallacies.



You just violated several logical fallacies with that statement


That is why you cannot justify anything with reference to being fantasy.

Begging the question - Attempt to redefine fantasy to be what you want it to be. Logic doesn't work like that. Find a definition that supports your premise instead of making one up on the spot. And I will find one that supports my position. Lets start with this one from Dictionary.com


noun, plural fantasies.
imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained.


it is totally nonsense

Personal Incredulity - I don't believe it therefor it cannot be true


parts of the natural environment. Dudes with dicks as big as pipelines are not.

The converse of Appeal to Nature


Otherwise Bethesda already had implemented some of these outgrowths.

Appeal to authority - And if Beth included everything that could possibly exist in the world then there would be no need for mods. (I left a fallacy in for you to find :teehee: )

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You'd think some new cool mods would still trickle out but good lord every time I check for new mods it's a bunch of neckbeards making anime girls and customizing armors to fit them.

Somethings wrong with y'all.


Hey. You. Look at my files. Not a single boob mod. In fact, all of my mods were intended for male characters. Please check them out! You'll be happy, I promise.

Are any of them dick mods? Cause fellas get a rather unimpressive package.


Seriously though.. I get where the OP is coming from, and have had similar thoughts on a semi-regular basis myself. Not just about breasts, but about super-model-esque redesigns, sex mods, and many other so called 'Mature' content mods... I see them, and sometimes (more often than I generally like admitting) they are quite good, and I think to myself 'How great would it be if someone with this talent or effort made something that wasn't immature, sexual or objectifying?'. Some times they do. Sometimes they don't. But in the end, I always get stuck with the feeling that it's wasted skill.


But there's a difference between lamenting the wasting of effort and ability on something born of immaturity, and trying to force maturity on someone else. Either way, you're not going to get the content you want, and one way just pisses others off.

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