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Serana, stop attacking my allies!


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The Uniform Follower Overhaul (UFO) mod includes the book Field Command, which teaches your character a set of group commands that sort of work like Shouts, including the command "Stop fighting". The spell tome can be found on the floor of Breezehome, near the front door. I find that followers to start fighting each other when spell casting followers use area effect destuction spells that spill over from the intended target, or archer followers are bad shots and nail melee followers in the back. This is a very handy "spell", which causes followers to forget and forgive friendly fire from other followers.

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I'm nervous about installing more overhauls. Especially if there are other compatibility patches for other mods I don't know about. I play with a lot of mods. Besides, will this handy spell stop strangers on the roads from attacking her? It would work with followers, but probably not with people who are not hostile to you and not your follower. I think this would stop Serana from attacking people, but the person she angered will still be angry and keep attacking her, which gets Serana mad all over again. This is the main issue I have with Serana and mage followers in general.

Edited by Tacocubes
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