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Moments That Infuriated You


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This is the thread. Let it out. Vent.


Remember in FO3 when those ungrateful SOBs who all blamed you for the mysterious radroach infestation and police brutality asked you to come back and save them, and you did, and they still kicked you out?


FO4 is full of moments just as irritating.


Shaun. Just... everything Shaun.


The way the factions are.


The way the Minute men are.


Kellog's best dialog in the game randomly cut short.


Come on. Let it out. Let's hear it.

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Here I'll kick it off: why did Shaun lead you to a room with a 10 year old version of himself, just to wait until you're freaking out and then go "just kidding LOL that's not even the real me! You should have seen your face! Oh and yeah I'm your son your whole life since leaving vault 111 has been a lie and I made sure it was that way LOL."


I mean... did he have ANY motivation to do all of that beyond being just a real jerk?


(trying not to swear here... please replace "jerk" with your harshest insult)

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Everything about the conversation wheel and "cinimatic" conversations.


I've been in conversations with NPCs with potential quest implications on the line and Piper force-greets, interrupting my current conversation.... and now that dialogue I was working on with that NPC is gone forever.


Or I'm running past an NPC and my camera suddenly skews around, but momentum carries me past the NPC and breaks the conversation.... and when I go up to try and talk to the NPC they just give me standard canned lines, no conversation options to be had, the dialogue once again seemingly gone forever.


Or I'm sneaking through a raider base and "HEY, GOT A MINUTE?", Piper force-greets and we stand up... but because conversations are real time a raider comes meandering into view and the sneaky assassination turns into a full-on firefight.


As for plot... screw synth shaun in his robotic bunghole with the entirety of FISTO. Oh, we're blowing up the institute and NOW you want to warm up to me?! Sucks to be you, I didn't want the FIRST shaun you little emotional manipulator, what makes you think YOU have a chance?


Maxson being an irrational iconoclast and firebrand... and the fact his response to the player's "failures" (in the brotherhoods eyes, at least) don't really match his characterization. Disobey orders repeatedly and show sympathy for everything he hates with so much passion and the worst you get is a scolding. and a promotion. or three.

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Disobey orders repeatedly and show sympathy for everything he hates with so much passion and the worst you get is a scolding. and a promotion. or three.


Yes on all counts, but this above all else. I love how it doesn't matter one goddamn bit what we say to anybody. My first playthrough I really struggled hard choosing "just the right" responses, only to find out on my second playthrough when I tried to pick "the worst" responses that the results were the same.

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Since we're in the spoilers section, well, spoiler: he does tell you his motivations later when you meet him on the roof, after the Battle Of Bunker Hill. His whole releasing you from Vault 111 and leading you to chase their deadliest agent were basically because:


A) they were confident enough they got the gen 3 fabrication down pat, and no longer needed you as backup, AND


B) an experiment to see how long until you get killed.


So, you know, if the first meeting was a bit of a shocker, what with that and his referring to his other parent's death as "collateral damage", wait until he calmly tells THAT to your face. Even telling him that you still love him, just elicits some mild surprise.


To say that the guy lacks empathy is an understatement. We're talking a full tilt sociopath who just wanted to see how long until his remaining parent is killed in an unfamiliar and hostile world. And not just about his parents, mind you. If you read the terminals, you'll learn stuff like that he insisted on experimenting on humans with FEV, and terminating the test subjects when they outlasted their usefulness, long after he was told there's really nothing more to learn there. And then ordered the researcher killed, when he fled the institute to stop taking part in that.


(Not that the other fine folks at the Institute are much better. They're still replacing people with synths and KILLING the original people (see for example the Art vs Art encounter), for reasons as stupid as having someone at a fertile farm to test some new seeds for them. Also note how the other members of the board of directors not only knew about using a psychopath like Kellogg as a hitman, but basically the reason to accept you is something like, "well, we can't use Kellogg any more, can we?"


It's not even a matter of ideals or beliefs, bigotted as they might be in Maxson's case, but combining those with a profoundly sociopathic, complete lack of any empathy for any human life. I mean, even the BOS, while the bigotry is extreme and does cause some... extreme measures, they do quite often express SOME empathy to you or to other humans. The Institute guys are like brats with magnifying glasses when it comes to other humans, and the Commonwealth is their anthill.)


Anyway, frankly, as fury goes, that's the moment when I politely excused myself and went and sided with the BOS against the Institute. And made sure to be at the spear head of the assault on the Institute, and kill anyone in my field of view :tongue:

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The Art vs Art encounter is really the only thing I've come across which has made me annoyed beyond words. For whatever reason, in my save the encounter is bugged so that they start shooting at eachother just because the player is within range. This immediately triggers not one, but two relationship decreases for most of the available companions. Even if I can actually find them in the 5x5 cell loaded area before one kills the other, or both get killed by whatever is around, the dialogue doesn't trigger reliably. Further, when the dialogue does trigger, none of the options actually affect anything. I tell them to put down their guns, and pass the "skill" check, the conversation stops and they go back to shooting eachother, I say decide to kill one of them, and the other just tries to kill me. If my companion is around, the companion just ends up killing both. While this might be fine... Even after I've killed them, seen nearly a dozen of Art's bodies in my game, the encounter STILL spawns to repeat the same exact situation. I've tried modifying their forms to make them non-aggressive, spawn with 0 health, setup within a raider faction with no crime attached to shooting them. Nada. Worst of all, they seemingly spawn in nearly every part of the city, so every time I fly past downtown Boston in a vertibird, fast travel to Goodneighbor, Bunker Hill, CIT ruins, Cambridge Police Station, ect, I lose relationship with my companion.

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Everything about Cait infuriates me. Typical FAKE "strong woman".

She's such a shallow idiot and tryhard 99% of the time, then goes on to tell me a sob story about how she's a poor damsel in distress victim of the evil Raiders and that everything idiotic she ever says and does is to blame on them?
Sent her to harvest crops for the rest of her life.

The only actual strong woman is Ronnie Shaw.

A real strong woman who won't make up some victimistic plotline the moment you question her. If only she was made into a follower.

Preston is also such an empty character and general token Mary Sue MC shoulder. This is the typical "liberal white dude writes black character" case.

I can smell the fat whiny neckbeard who's behind that writing.

Hancock = squandered potential: the character. With such a great built-up, he could have been such a great Raul Tejada return, but he's a cardboard-cutout.

Bethesda really loves to build up things and then abandon them completely.

"Honest Dan" was a better character than all of the above combined and he's just a temporary companion.


Followers like Nick, Danse and Robert are enjoyable. Not as great as Boone or Cassidy, but better than nothing.

I plan on trying Piper next, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


I guess bethesda just can't make interesting characters. It's quite telling that a dog is more interesting the everyone else.

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Took me a while to remember after seeing this thread, but oh man did one part drive me crazy. The "Battle of Bunker Hill" with the Courser.


At this point, I had previously sided with the Brotherhood but wasn't sure how I wanted to deal with the whole Institute/Shaun thing. Because of this, I didn't really feel comfortable picking a side during this battle, and just stayed on the sidelines. I hadn't informed the Brotherhood about the upcoming battle, but they showed up anyway. It was strange enough that both sides treated me completely as an ally no matter what I did or where I stood. The worst part, however, was how the Courser is a protected NPC and can only be killed by the player.


See, a single Courser is apparently no match for a small squad of Brotherhood Knights and Paladins. Actually, it became pretty obvious this Courser was no match for a single Brotherhood Paladin with a Gatling Laser. I watched as the Courser repeatedly got mowed down by the Gatling Laser, only to stand up a few moments later. The Courser eventually managed to take down a single Paladin, only to go around a corner and find another one, starting this process again. Eventually I was so frustrated I just shot the Courser in the head since he would have clearly been dead at that point.


Afterwards, Father seemed to find it hard to believe that the battle didn't go in the Institute's favor, perhaps implying it had been my fault. Not really sure what he expected from a single Courser against multiple squads of guys in power armor. Don't know if the Brotherhood showing up without being told was a bug. Either way, this was a poorly designed encounter.



...Oh, and it also frustrates me that all power armor seems to require regular replacements of Fusion Cores, even though (if I recall correctly) one of the biggest reasons the T-51b was an improvement over earlier models was because it didn't constantly need to have its power source replaced. (Which had made wide-spread military deployment of power armor unreasonable until this issue was resolved.) I assume that was ignored for gameplay reasons, but it still seems ridiculous.

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Afterwards, Father seemed to find it hard to believe that the battle didn't go in the Institute's favor, perhaps implying it had been my fault. Not really sure what he expected from a single Courser against multiple squads of guys in power armor.


I bet you wer elike "really Shaun? you sent a handful of synths against hordes of power-armored gatlin-laser-armed soldiers and it's MY fault they died? Are you implying me, your father, should have tried to go up against a full BoS assault team and their aircrafts on my own?".


Nevermind the fact that he never fully explains why he did things like send synths to replace people in settlements etc.

His answers are always like "yeah we do bad things up there but hey, science mortherf*cker!".


Later I broke into the Institute with the BoS and told Shaun "what's the problem man? I thought you said you could easily handle a few paladins, here take this gun and show them".

Yeah I dropped a 10mm on his deathbed and went to nuke the reactor without even talking to him.

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