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Database Breach - An Update


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An example of what can happen if you use the same password on another site such as World of Warcraft.


A hacker has managed to crack your Nexus or Minecraft Password. (One of the big minecraft servers, Lifeboat, just got hacked for over 7 million accounts) He then starts trying that username and password on any other sites, No luck on bank sites, no luck on credit card sites, no luck on Amazon or other shopping sites - but they try WOW and BINGO! Your long running WOW character has a few really cool in game objects. Some of these are actually fairly valuable on the WOW black market. To a 3rd world hacker, $20 is a week's pay.


First the hacker changes your WOW password to lock you out of your own account. Then sells off your stuff to the lazy players that have more money than game ability. You contact the WOW server, and are told they are sorry about your loss, but not their problem, you should have had a better password. They may give your account back to you (or maybe not) and ban the thief, but he doesn't care he already sold your stuff. And he can just use someone elses stolen password for the next robbery.


You report the robbery to the cops. To them it's just stuff in a kids game. The $20 the thief got is not worth their time. Your loss is not just the $20, but the many hours of grinding to get those items.


But as for that 3rd world hacker, he is working as much as 12 hours a day and turning 3 or more accounts a day for an average of under $20 each. He doesn't even own the computer, he pays to use one in an internet cafe. He wasn't the one who did the original hack, he is handed a long list of possible accounts to try on various sites and gets a cut of the money with the guy that gives him the accounts. Not many people in his village can make even $5 a day, and he is a hero supporting his extended family in local luxury on his share that may be as much as $30 on a good day stolen over the internet.


Now think about what that hacker could get if you use that same password for a shopping account that has a credit card tied to it. It would be easy to use your Amazon account to buy about $3k worth of stuff using your account before an alarm is triggered.



If you play Minecraft, especially if you use the Lifeboat servers, it may already be too late as they didn't tell their users right away.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ok, wtf? Yesterday, May 23, it demanded that I change my password and I did. Everything went fine. Today, it's saying that I have to change my password again. It said that everything was updated. But it's refusing to to any page other than the change password notification. I can't even look in the forums beyond page 1 of THIS topic, without that notification page reloading.
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According to this Website, the NexusMods breach was a fairly big one from a historical standpoint (#11).




I'm sure you guys have taken steps to improve security, but is there any way for me to reset/delete all personal information that you may have about me w/o deleting my account?

Edited by PrimalSavage
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Please READ!!! the entire topic. The breach was over 3 years ago. NOT last week - 3 years and we are still telling people to change their passwords. The only accounts that were compromised are those that were here over 3 years ago, and didn't change their password when told to 3 YEARS ago. :rolleyes:


If you did not have an account here 3 years ago, or changed your password since then you have not been compromised.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tupring - Hello!


In the Forums section, if you're logged in, you should see your User name at the top left just under "The Nexus Forums".

Left click your name, select "My Profile".

On your Profile page to the right is "Edit My Profile", left click that & it takes you to a page where you can edit almost all of your details under "Profile Heading".

"Email & Password" are first on the list.


If you prefer you can also change your info going through the Mods section by left clicking your User Name at the top right, select "User Area".


In the User Area there's a box called "User" with "Change your email address".

Hope this helps!


Edited by prensa
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