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Database Breach - An Update


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In response to post #31645210. #31646060, #31646785, #31648240 are all replies on the same post.

jet4571 wrote: Heres a quick way to make very hard to crack passwords. Create a new text document and open it. Now randomly mash keys on your keyboard so you get something like dj5vp7;jQE:2ljwer1halk/jb9hl;sfj There's your new hard to crack password.
TrvsD wrote: Or just use some crazy several word long phrase that will stick in your mind. Think sentence not random characters you will forget.
Daelda1 wrote: I'd rather use LastPass or KeyPass to generate random, complex passwords, because those programs actually remember the passwords for you, and encrypt them (of course, you have to remember the phrase you used to encrypt them with - but if you use something long enough, and complex enough, like, "I am the 8th of 16 children. My mom was a VERY tired woman.", I'd say it would be fairly difficult to crack.
Dimon007 wrote: nonono..no word phrases! Hackers can figure those out easier. Always use nonsensical words made up, or ascii symbols are always nice too.

Long words doesen't really make it harder to crack... If you use a password like "ilikemysecurepassword" it would take me max 1 day, probably only 10-50minutes to crack it with rainbowtables or a good wordlist. You are much better of using for example "I#%Like!My#Sec/Passw"
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In response to post #31645210. #31646060, #31646785, #31648240 are all replies on the same post.




jet4571 wrote: Heres a quick way to make very hard to crack passwords. Create a new text document and open it. Now randomly mash keys on your keyboard so you get something like dj5vp7;jQE:2ljwer1halk/jb9hl;sfj There's your new hard to crack password.
TrvsD wrote: Or just use some crazy several word long phrase that will stick in your mind. Think sentence not random characters you will forget.
Daelda1 wrote: I'd rather use LastPass or KeyPass to generate random, complex passwords, because those programs actually remember the passwords for you, and encrypt them (of course, you have to remember the phrase you used to encrypt them with - but if you use something long enough, and complex enough, like, "I am the 8th of 16 children. My mom was a VERY tired woman.", I'd say it would be fairly difficult to crack.
Dimon007 wrote: nonono..no word phrases! Hackers can figure those out easier. Always use nonsensical words made up, or ascii symbols are always nice too.

Long words doesen't really make it harder to crack... If you use a password like "ilikemysecurepassword" it would take me max 1 day, probably only 10-50minutes to crack it with rainbowtables or a good wordlist. You are much better of using for example "I#%Like!My#Sec/Passw"


That password is more complex .... but it still contains dictionary words.

Better to use a password like this: (64 characters, total random, and non-sense)


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In response to post #31656620.

Purr4me wrote:

Don't know if this matters, taking the advice is a good thing when needed.

But this ? kinda say's nah..


that's this sites PSW


all my other accounts use this one



built to last.



Only if you use the password for all of your other accounts and one of those sites gets hacked and they're stored in DB as plain text / md5 without salt you're still screwed.
Not the case for Nexus as they have proper hashing like mentioned in their last post as well but even on large sites you would be surprised how often this happens. Edited by Netsplite
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In response to post #31658335.

Nexturn wrote: Is it safe to say, that if you just downloaded the dsound.dll and didn't activate the mod where the file was coming from nor followed any ingame activation instructions, that the file wasn't executed (or used) at all?

I would run some anti-virus scan just to be sure, dll. can manifest on their own, without you having to do anything other than downloading the dll. file by accident. Edited by RiverNL
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