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Just been tooling around and building up a settlement. Place has about 4 brahmin wandering around, constantly scnorting, constantly making CLOP CLOP CLOP sounds as they move around. Almighty Lord, how I wish for a mod that let me tone down the frequency of the snorting, and lower the volume of their steps around 90 percent. O_O


And yes, I know I can just blow their heads off or turn down the volume.

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  • 2 months later...

Adding to this even though it's a little old. The brahmin annoy the hell out of me too.


They shouldn't be able to run as fast as they do to catch up to their owner (if they get held up for some reason) -- it's immersion-breaking for me. If anything, the brahmin running (galloping, I guess) speed should be waaay slower, but it shouldn't be removed entirely. I think a loaded-down brahmin's top speed should be just a bit slower than the main character's non-sprint running speed. And ideally, a brahmin-owning NPC would be able to detect that they were walking directly away from the pack animal carrying their whole livelihood on its back and turn to meet it or simply wait and let it catch up. 20 meters seems like a decent distance.


And I agree on the unnecessary noise. So much NPC noise pollution in the Commonwealth... I'd prefer it if they just stood still and grazed at a distance when their owner was stationary, with an occasional movement and/or snort/moo triggered once per minute or something. They often try to walk right between my character and whichever trader I happen to be talking to.

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