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Forbid Mods on Console Platforms?


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It's probably NOT Bethesda having the say-so in this, it's Microsoft and Sony. If the latter say nay to adult mods, nay it will have to be. I also doubt Beth will disallow mods that touch a subject they (Beth) plan to handle in official DLCs.


Really, the question is what leverage/ USP Beth used to get those two companies on board. That must have been some persuasive talk from Howard or whomever, hah.

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Having ratted through Fallout's files I gotta say, I think Bethesda is releasing a modding tool for consoles. I believe their plan is to not only allow mods on consoles ,but to bring the modding community to consoles. Just my prediction. Also, both PS 4 and Xbox One are just gaming PC's with custom OS's.

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