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Thanks for telling me about the RAM patch. I'll definitely check it out.


No, I'm not using Alteration. BSA Redirection is what I was using. As for what happened with the plants, it seems I might have deleted a texture but not the Mesh it's attached to. I just deleted all of the plants/trees meshes and textures from Data and reinstalled Oblivion again. Seems the problem went away.


Going to fix up my existing mods so they work again, then give it another test run. If I'm still having traveling problems, I'll install the RAM Patch and cross my fingers.

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I used the 4 GB patch on Oblivion.exe, but I still crashed eventually. After fast traveling and trying to move down the road, as I commonly do. I ran around on horseback on all corners of the map without crashing for a while, but it still happened eventually.


I haven't used the patch on DLL files yet because the readme file doesn't tell you which DLL files to patch. I'll go to the Nexus page for it again and check it out.


And I was just telling my husband, too, "Hey, it hasn't crashed yet."

Edited by MelThorn
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I often have some sort of premonition of imminent crash ... the thought will unbidden pop into my head that I haven't saved for a while. I have learned that I must have some weird ability to see into my computer's memory and recognize that things are getting fouled up because never seems to fail if I don't hop off my horse and save I get a crash rounding the next bend\crossing the next cell boundary. That said, often enough to keep the water murky I don't get the anticipated crash after saving, so I can never be sure if I'm voodoo or not.


I wouldn't sweat it so much trying to get the game completely crash free. Once you get a feel for how often crashes are likely to appear just save at half that frequency or less. The closest you'll get to crash free is using all of the tools and tricks outlined in those Oblivion Reloaded mod comments (including using OR ... it's more than making the game pretty). It is however, the type of thing that requires careful study beforehand.

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Thanks for all of the help you've given me so far, Striker. I really appreciate you trying your best.


I think I'm simply going to have to concede that the game is just one messed up POS sometimes. I lowered my view distance and turned off distant trees and buildings. I don't prefer the way this looks (and even Skyrim can run great with distant view cranked), but maybe it'll help.


This has been one of the most frustrating gaming experiences for me, but I feel like I just have to bear it and get on with it. And save frequently-- like all the freaking time. I don't want to have to play the game that way, but... that's the way it is, I guess.

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  • 5 months later...

Seeing as this topic isn't tooo old...

Currently trying to troubleshoot my crash problems(Crashes in exteriors, was fine for awhile, then happened way too frequently again).

I am using a mod named "Duke Patricks Safe Save". I wonder if it could be the culprit of the crashes, but if it isn't then... Get it.
It is sort of an auto-save mod with some fine scripts to prevent corrupted saves. And for such a crash happy game as Oblivion, these safe saves really save you sometimes, as you never need to replay more than 10-15 minutes of gameplay, no matter what you do. That's pretty neat.

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  • 7 months later...

Wow...old topic now, but just wanted to say thank you striker and melthorn for hitting on the same crazy issue I have. Been modding for years as striker has and have followed striker's posts quite often...full of good stuff from good experience! Oblivion is one of those poorly optimized (no really?), only uses one core, games that doesn't like me to ride a horse at all! I can go for a long time on foot, but just let me get on horseback and BAM! The engine just chokes with mods and fast moving cells. Bethesda makes some of the best of the best, and Oblivion is a great game...... on foot...lol..even with the occasional crashes. Love to hear young modders wonder why it does this or that with NMM...but even manually installing or with wrye, as I do, it is still the most aggravating of all the Beth wonders......happy modding :teehee:

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