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are Nazis really welcomed here on Nexus?


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These Nazi's offend me. We should get them to leave by being Totalitarian Nannystate-building whimps who let no badthink through and ban people who dissagree with us.. Eye Row Knee.


You DO have a right to be offended and not like something, but you DON'T have a right censor and sweep away something just because you are offended and don't like it. I guess we should ban all nudemods then since those might offend someone. Also a mod that makes everyone essential since killing is bad too.

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[snip] ... this kind of fashism is something... [snip]


This is one word I refuse to let people misspell.




Yeah I already fixed that one page one.

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yeah, again, I already apologized for the admittedly really bad typo on such a central word as the one I was actually complaining about. It shouldn't have happened in the first place. Guess I gave my being non-english/american native speaker away and I humbly admit that I should have been more careful and thorough in my typing... sorry.


I know, it is easy to say: ignore and move along and for most parts of mods that I do not condone I do exactly that.

Admittedly I might react especially allergic to anything related to Nazi ideology. But I stand to that and will not apologize for it. I had the same thought as VultureTX: would the americans among the nexus croud be as tolerant when someone created mods with al-Qaeda/IS/ISIS/whatever islamic (or other religious) extremist supporting symbolism... I really don't know. Well, guess what, for some of us (yes there is a real world outside of the USA) this is not so very different.


to reduce Nazi-Germany's philosophy and symbolisms to the fact that they are only forbidden in Germany (and maybe a few other countries)... is that really an argument for anything? To reduce using their version of a swastica, SS symbols, etc to a matter of fashion.. wow, simply don't know how to react to that. Don't know if that view gives me even more of a creep.


anyways, this 'turning a blind eye', being tolerant in the wrong place, is, for me, a symbol of our current real world going to shits where xenophobia thrives at every corner.
And in my opinion, a freethinking community as this one should be able to still voice an opinion against any kind of POLITICAL extremism.

Don't get me wrong. I play games like Wolfenstein, I play these games with clear violent overboarding features and things that, in real life would be not even worth discussing, so far out of my real life moral standards they stand. It's just a game. It does not diminish, in my opinion, the point I try to make: using such games to play as a supporter for a (even if only historical) political party that cause so much havoc and grief across the world... that's something I have a hard time to 'ignore and move on' (this happens far too often already in real life - see what currently happens in Germany and France as a result).


I am against censorship as much as any sane person. Freedom of Speech is one of the highest values. And yet I see one specific section where I have hard time to defend this value: against people who's view on the world is, among other atrocities, to exterminate exactly this Freedom of Speech. And please don't get old-testament on me. I'm not about eye for an eye, I'm about 'beware of the beginnings'.


Again, that's just my opinion.

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anyways, this 'turning a blind eye', being tolerant in the wrong place, is, for me, a symbol of our current real world going to shits where xenophobia thrives at every corner.


You don't want to get on talking about turning blind, being tolerant in the wrong place, or what the xenophobia going on in the world is coming from (Hell you're part way there mentioning Germany and France).


Instead, let's just say the people who make the nazi stuff are just part of the gay furry BDSM subculture, a very oppressed minority. You don't want to be a bigot by keeping perfectly fine Homosexual otherkin from modding their own personal game to suit their tastes would you?

Also if you find that someone who holds different opinions causes you to have an allergic reaction, please report to the nearest CDC equivalent in your country so we can start researching Subconscious telepathy.


And I'd love to have a mod that made Suicide Super Mutants or exploding robots screaming snackbar stuff, but I just find stuff like that funny.

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Again, that's just my opinion.

Again I hear ya bro, all good points.

Not so much regarding ISIS though, but its not an apple to apples comparison as they're not American, but the Nazis where German. (I'm thinking an ISIS mod might be mildly popularity)

A better comparison might be mods with images of the Confederacy, but unfortunately hating, killing and owning black folk doesnt carry quite the punch as what Hitler did, so we never banned nor felt shame for our symbols of hate.


Having said that, here's how I know its ok to extent the freedom of speech to creators of mod like these...

Its been studied and proven over and over again there's no connections between game violence and real violence, I am confident that games who choose to have Nazi symbolism in their game wont be moved to hate any more or less than they already do.

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What is up with people trying to censor what they dont agree with or just generally dislike?

What happened to freedom of speech and expression?


This is coming from a muslim minority guy btw.

Let them speak, I come from a country where they lock you in a hole if you dare say anything.


You people, OP, are s***ing on the very thing that makes me want to live in this country.

Edited by Eidius
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What is up with people trying to censor what they dont agree with or just generally dislike?

What happened to freedom of speech and expression?


This is coming from a muslim minority guy btw.

Let them speak, I come from a country where they lock you in a hole if you dare say anything.


You people, OP, are s***ing on the very thing that makes me want to live in this country.


Nailed it. This is ridiculous, calling for heavy censorship on imagery regardless of if you like it or not, is not okay.

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What is up with people trying to censor what they dont agree with or just generally dislike?


You people, OP, are s***ing on the very thing that makes me want to live in this country.


I don't what happened here in the US , I mean why does everyone get upset when they burn a Quoran? Or flush it down a toilet after urinating on it?


Why does everyone here get upset we take our service dogs into muslim places? I mean who does not like DogMeat sniffing in strange places


Why does everyone get upset when we put cartoons mocking the prophet on public display in Garland Texas? Or maybe as wall paintings in a FO4mod?


And maybe you don't care (doubtful), but CAIR will and then ALL the mods will get reviewed.

You see this is how it starts as the perv says " let's put my personal private fethish out there as a FO4mod to share with others", because publicly promoting that fetish would get you in trouble in real life.


/But go ahead and see how many of these mods that have been called into question last on the Bethesda mod repository when it opens.

Edited by VultureTX
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