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I need to find my son.. but later, I've got to help these complete strangers first.


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I dunno, man, I treated the whole marriage thing as the equivalent of starting in prison in all Elder Scrolls games. It's like it's gone from being pardoned and freed from a prison ship in Morrowind, to being just in a dungeon in Oblivion, to being about to be beheaded in Skyrim. How do you go up from THAT? Right, a fate worse than death: being married alive. I was like, "I can haz beheading instead plz? Kthxbye." :wink:


And OMG, the kid. The kid! I figure that (after about 6 hours of futzing with the face editor) I managed to get a handsome looking character, and got Nora to look pretty cute in an anime kinda way too. But don't even ask me about what the kid ended up looking like, as a combination of the two. *shudder* And it's even worse when you see him grown up, actually. But, I mean, for example the lips... GOOD CTHULHU! He looked like you could stick him to the bathroom wall, like one of those suction cup towel-hanger :wink:


My only way to keep my sanity was to rationalize that he must be taking after the mailman :wink:


I'm telling ya, when they came and took the kid and killed Nora, I was like, "ah, so this is like when I got saved by Alduin." I even thought of the guy with the scar across the eye as Alduin for a while. (See "The Dragon" on TV Tropes, if you don't get it.) Thank goodness :wink:


Lemme tell you, I was in no hurry to get that kid back. In fact, by the time I grudgingly got persuaded to follow Kellofgg, it was more like to make sure he intends to keep the kid. He's out of warranty buddy. You're not giving him back. Talk about a disappointment when that and "cool story, bro, want to go out for a beer?" weren't on the menu :wink:


You get the gist.


(Also, I might be more full of it than a certain Railroad companion. Just saying. Don't trust everyone;))

Please screenshot what Shaun looked like in your game. Seems lolworthy!

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Ah, I started a new game, like, on Monday, and I'm pretty far from seeing adult shaun yet. Especially since, as I was saying, I'm actively avoiding looking for him :tongue:


When Mama Murphy tried to tell me to go to Diamond City, I was like, "SPOILERS!" ;)


I doubt it will be that bad, though, since I left Nora unchanged this time. Futzing for 3 hours with making her face, and then having her shot in half an hour... yeah, I learned not to do that any more :tongue:

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Seriously. I hope for an alternate start mod soon. That will get me playing. Maybe a story that i was on nuclear strike 200 years ago. I wake up one day having nightmare. But i was treated by doctor so my look arent a ghoul. So i start from here. Exploring. And then i bump into a guy asking me did i see his son. That be awesome for such mod.
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Seriously. I hope for an alternate start mod soon. That will get me playing. Maybe a story that i was on nuclear strike 200 years ago. I wake up one day having nightmare. But i was treated by doctor so my look arent a ghoul. So i start from here. Exploring. And then i bump into a guy asking me did i see his son. That be awesome for such mod.


I've already re-started with a kind of alternative start, a level 20 pre-save bat file that reasonably depicts the bad ass retired Marine-Recon (or perhaps Navy Seal) sharpshooter who all this is happening to...


"You fools picked the wrong mother to mess with!"


Now I'm hoping someone doing these tats will come up with some military/ regimental tattoos. Bonefrog for example, would be outstanding :cool: But began with my marpat fatigues even a marines paint-job for my P-A because in roleplay terms I couldn't imagine someone who wasn't some badazz vet type not going clean round the bend under the shock and strain of what is supposed to have happened to them.


Here's Daedledood's Sniper Assassin save if anyone's interested

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I hear you SayinNuthin.


On my reroll I opened up the console code and up my level to 22 to reflect the fact that my male protagonist is supposed to be a veteran and not some complete n00b and thus gave him a point in perks like rifleman, gunslinger, commando, medic and so on. I also gave myself a decent [modded] hunting rifle, I mean what decent vet wouldn't to a bit of hunting in the fall? Plus clean army fatigues, a helmet, chest armour and arm guards. From that start point I actually felt the game got better. It made a lot more sense to me at least that the protagonist would be able to be a step above the scum of the waste land plus Codsworth would have made sure no one looted the house.

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The whole main quest line is way too constricting. Who wants to play as Geralt of Suburbia? I'd much rather have the freedom to define my own character, including personality and motivations, but Bethesda felt the need to shoehorn every single playthrough through the lens of a bereaved parent; the voiced protagonist further restricts player options (though it presumably provides job security for the VAs, when the DLCs come down the pike).


We'll have to see what the modding community can do with all this raw material. Meanwhile, vanilla FO4 is a flawed gem, and it's painful to contemplate how much netter it might have beenm had Bethesda given any real thought to what the players wanted, rather than what the developers wanted to sell. ='[,]'=

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We'll have to see what the modding community can do with all this raw material. Meanwhile, vanilla FO4 is a flawed gem, and it's painful to contemplate how much netter it might have been had Bethesda given any real thought to what the players wanted, rather than what the developers wanted to sell. ='[,]'=


To be charitable I think they did think about what modders wanted, or rather they thought 'what is the most popular class of mod and how can we extend that facility to non-modding console players?' The largest type of mod (I suspect) would be 'player-homes' and I spent last evening watching (and helping) my brother in law construct a base on the roof of Red Rocket. He liked it.. Probably not enough to go and replace his PS4 with a PC but I'd be surprised if that feature doesn't get us a shedload of new people who like it a lot and who do want to go further.

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to be fair it's not a new issue at all, it's one that every single non-linear game has, but the fact that the MacGuffin this time is your child makes it much more noticeable because of the parental bond reinforcing the urgency. whether it's a race to stop a cult from ending the world, finding your missing father (same parental bond of course but there's a lot more urgency when it's a helpless kidnapped child rather than a presumably capable adult who left of his own free will), stopping a demonic-dragon-led disease army or stopping the worlds most annoying cousin from phoning you every five minutes to go bowling there's always pressure storywise to pursue the main quest (unless, of course, the story of the main quest is for something AWESOME to happen every time you press the button so your drinking buddy can tell stories about it) but the player has the freedom to set their own pace and either take the direct route or stop to escort people with all the survival instinct of a green haired - purple robed rodent, get in your travelling companions pants, join the local assassination appreciation society, build a house or make it rain burning dogs

sometimes there's some gating to encourage you to explore outside of the main quest ("you're early! what did you do, take the silt strider straight here instead of exploring and getting lost in side quests? well come back at, I dunno, level five or something and I'll tell you about our urgent business") and/or a storyline reason ("we'll get back to you with the information in approximately one side quests time") to take some time off, but mostly it's just left up to us how urgent we want to play it

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Thing that must come out quickly when ck out.


1) Live Another Life (see skyrim).

2) More quests (may take longer to create).

3) Player home. (Honestly im lazy to create settlement) i would rather had a ready player settlement. Which i only need to place recruitmenr beacon.

4) More female followers.

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