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mod request. not pulling weapons of of thin air.


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i dont know the ways of the modding community, even if i did i dont have the skills for it. simply i wish for someone to take the task and make a mod where the player with sheith or put away his weapon and it not disapear. much like new vegas of fallout 3. i hate how the character just pulls weapons out of nothingness. if someone were to make a mod i would greatly adore you and appreciate you.

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This has always been a concern of mine in the back of my mind. Just where am I storing on my person 1) a ballistic sniper rifle, 2) a sniper laser, 3) a combat shotgun, 4) an assault rifle, 5) a melee weapon, 6) a high-capacity semi-auto pistol, 7) a number of frag grenades, and a number of Molotovs? Best as I can figure, "web gear" = "golf bag". ["I say, caddy. I believe I will use the Number 5 Assault Rifle on this particular beastie!"] Along with two sets of armor and several hundred pounds of impedimenta. But given a choice between graphically representing a realistic encumbrance system, versus free and easy access to whatever they believe they might need in a variety of instances, I believe about 95%+ of game players would prefer the invisible Bag of Holding.

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Characters pulling gear out of thin air is "just one of those things" in gaming. This isn't a Fallout thing. Every game suffers this, even FPS titles where guys pull a MG out of their asshole. Until some developers make a game engine that shows every single piece of gear you carry on your character, and your character properly reaching for it when the time is right, you'll never see this realistically.

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Characters pulling gear out of thin air is "just one of those things" in gaming. This isn't a Fallout thing. Every game suffers this, even FPS titles where guys pull a MG out of their a**hole. Until some developers make a game engine that shows every single piece of gear you carry on your character, and your character properly reaching for it when the time is right, you'll never see this realistically.

Its weird because FO New Vegas u could see holstered weapon, FO3 you could aswell, Skyrim too, idk why they would take a step back. Anyway in Skyrim thers a mod where u can see up to 4 holstered weapons, im sure when GECK is out we will get it here too

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Characters pulling gear out of thin air is "just one of those things" in gaming. This isn't a Fallout thing. Every game suffers this, even FPS titles where guys pull a MG out of their a**hole. Until some developers make a game engine that shows every single piece of gear you carry on your character, and your character properly reaching for it when the time is right, you'll never see this realistically.

Its weird because FO New Vegas u could see holstered weapon, FO3 you could aswell, Skyrim too, idk why they would take a step back. Anyway in Skyrim thers a mod where u can see up to 4 holstered weapons, im sure when GECK is out we will get it here too



I may be wrong but I think the reason 'worn' weapons have been left out of FO4 is because of 'clipping' or the item appearing to be embeded in the player character's clothing, power-armor, etc. FO4 seems to have more.. lumpy.. weapons and bigger power armours than the previous games and where clipping was a minor issue in FO3/FONV it's going to be, I think, a bigger one in 4.


Not endorsing the decision to leave hostered wepons out BTW, I like my char to look 'armed to the teeth' and its useful to know what your packing when seconds count. I think its a safe assumption to say this will be adressed by the geniuses here when we get the GECK or whatever and to be honest I'd rather the Devs spend their effort making sure we get the tools to mess with stuff like this, as opposed to trying to fix stuff we complain about and palm us off with a hot mess of a creation Kit, if you see what I mean.

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