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Cryo = Time travel. . .


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Just putting this out there as a concept resource for anyone thinking in terms of makeover-mods. But my character has just gotten out of 200 year sleep, she's launched herself into this world like some Sara Conner type, Kid-seeking missile, she only saw him a few hours ago remember.. Assuming it doesn't all go horribly wrong (and we might safely assume it will) what is the uber-mum going to do next?


She has got to be considering the possibility of rescuing him and getting back into the freezer to skip forward to a more hospitable future, why wouldn't you? Especially if you could recruit some age proof individuals such as Codsworth and Curie to look after the hardware while and your offspring (as well as any adventurous people who might want to come for the ride) slept and have individuals like Valentine and Handcock running interference for you outside, making sure no-one messes with the (sealed) vault.


This is fairly well understood in Sci-fi and there are many examples, but as a plot device the idea offers modders a plausable way to completely clear the map and start over, so I'm just putting it out there in the hope someone might make a world with less fuggly firearms :blush:




One of the greatest stories on this theme in case anyone is interested but there are many.

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