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I cant open the cheat menu


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If you're using the GotY then make sure you install both disks. That will have your game fully patched to 1.2.0416 (the latest version) and Shivering Isles will be installed. You can check your current version by looking at the lower left corner of the Oblivion menu screen (not the launcher screen where you have Data Files etc.).
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I got a message saying i need to update oblivion from 1.01 to 1.02 or something like that when I tried starting up oblivion with OBSE. Where can i do this.


Since you have GoTY, installing Shivering Isles from 2nd disc will update your game. And, if you don't like 'RIng of Console', there's a way to change console key.


I'm using the change the console key thing you told me about and in the directions it says that when i first use the plugin it will add soemthing to my oblivion.ini but i dont know how to use that plugin. Any help?

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Excerpted from the mod description:



This is a simple OBSE plug-in that changes the key you press to switch to the command console.


Instead of pressing the tilde key (~ or ¬) you now press the key you've defined in your Oblivion.ini file (it defaults to F12).


When you first run the plug-in it will add a new section and entry to your Oblivion.ini file. The section will be called [ConsolePlus] and the new entry will be called iConsoleKey. You set this to the Virtual Key code of the key you want to toggle the console.

Your Oblivion.ini file will be located in either My Documents\My Games\Oblivion or Documents\My Games\Oblivion (depending if you're running Win 7 or Vista). The mod description page has a list of key codes to use if you want to change which key opens the console.

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From the mod description:



1. Extract the files to a temporary location.

2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.

3. Copy files from the archive \Data\ folder to (the data folder)\Oblivion\Data\

4. You don't need to copy the contents of the src folder. This contains the source for the plug-in.

When you extracted the download did you extract it to a temporary folder that you created? If so, you can open that up with Windows Explorer and you'll see the Data folder they mention in the mod description install instructions. Right click on that Data folder and from the right click menu that opens select Copy. Now navigate in Windows Explorer to the directory that you installed Oblivion. Locate the Data folder in your Oblivion install. Now right click on one directory level higher (if your install is in the default install location you will right click on the Oblivion folder). Select Paste from the right click menu. When it prompts you about folders already existing, do you want to overwrite click Yes to All. Don't worry, nothing gets lost, it's because there are already folders with the same names ... only the contents get added and this won't have any files the same as what you have installed.

Edited by Striker879
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Oblivion now needs to launch from the obse_loader.exe NOT Oblivion_loader.exe. The easiest way to do this is edit your desktop shortcut. Right click your shortcut and select Properties. From the Properties dialog on the Shortcut tab you'll see a field Target. Single left click in there just left of the "O" in Oblivion_loader.exe and delete the "Oblivion" part. Now type in "obse" (without the quotes). The final Target field should be the same as you started except it will end with obse_loader.exe. You need to leave the quote mark that was at the end before you started. Click Apply and then OK. Double click your edited shortcut and obse_loader will load OBSE and start Oblivion. Exit out of the game and check your Oblivion.ini. You should now see the [ConsolePlus] section.
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Oblivion now needs to launch from the obse_loader.exe NOT Oblivion_loader.exe. The easiest way to do this is edit your desktop shortcut. Right click your shortcut and select Properties. From the Properties dialog on the Shortcut tab you'll see a field Target. Single left click in there just left of the "O" in Oblivion_loader.exe and delete the "Oblivion" part. Now type in "obse" (without the quotes). The final Target field should be the same as you started except it will end with obse_loader.exe. You need to leave the quote mark that was at the end before you started. Click Apply and then OK. Double click your edited shortcut and obse_loader will load OBSE and start Oblivion. Exit out of the game and check your Oblivion.ini. You should now see the [ConsolePlus] section.

It's not there still and I did everything you said. I must have bad luck or something... OBSE is enabled and i started the game up then quit. the plugin is the folder and everything. does the individual plugin need to be directly in the data folder or can it be in a sub folder (obse). Also, the instructions for changing the command key said i only needed to move the data folder over. There's another folder called src should I do anything with that?

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Because OBSE and plugins that use OBSE are based on open source code they are required to include their code for the plugin. That's what is in the src folder, it can be safely deleted if you want to save hard drive space and clutter. Right now inside you game's install folder you should see \Oblivion\Data\obse\plugins\ChangeConsoleKey.dll. If you don't try to see where it may have got misplaced to and correct it.
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