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How to Dial Down the Sun?


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I've installed Oblivion like I always do but I'm now having a huge problem with solar glare.


Turns out when I modded the Arena armors I noticed that the colors were extremely desaturated (if it was at dusk you'd be hard pressed to make out the yellow from a blue color because the texture is actually a drab green) so I redid the coloring for blue and yellow teams.


However, now that they are a little bit more saturated I noticed the Arena is IMPOSSIBLY BRIGHT! It's to the point where it's like walking down a white concrete paved road at midday with glass buildings on both sides. It's that bad. Of course this makes the armors (especially the yellow) really painful on the eyes. I checked again and the saturation levels I changed them to are only a smidge above most of the normal Oblivion armors. I also changed some of the textures to the steel texture map over the dull rusted textures of the arena raiments and this causes things to get ungodly bright in the arena (and the steel textures even have wear and tear on them! :/ ).


So there has to be a way to dial down the sun's effects in that one cell. Either that or I need to construct some kind of arena canopy like old Rome had on the Collisseum.

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You're talking about an area WAY ABOVE my pay grade, but is the texture you edited shared by any of your bright areas?
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Increase the glossiness at the NiMaterialProperty in the nif file of your armors. (max is 150) (increasing spreads the light->decreases blinding effect)

It's not the correct solution, but 'a' solution.

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I changed the lighting so it's always overcast just to see what's up. Turns out most of the lighting issue comes from the fact that during the day you have the bright clear sun (it was set to always sunny) AND four huge bonfires all reflecting off the NPCs.


I need to figure out a way to turn the bonfires off during the day for a permanent solution.

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Have a look at the fire outside Dzonot Cave. Flipped me out one time I was there checking up on the two CM Partners I 'parked' outside. I was going to leave them some food so they didn't run out and wander off looking for eats. There's some respawning carrots next to the fire. I dropped a couple of bread and then figured, heck I've got a sh#tload of venison ... maybe the boys would like a little meat. Slapped a chunk down on the fire and poof ... it lights. I was like, how cool, they made it so when you put meat on the fire it lights!! Had a look in the CS and saw it's on a timer ... lights at a certain time in the evening. Pure coincidence, good timing, combination of the two ... whichever is the case there's a good exercise for a scripter ... when meat distance = zero light fire.
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