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CS modding question


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Hi all,


I had to close down CS and I was wondering, when I open it back up, how do I continue editing the .esp that I made. (I am making a house)




By loading in the regular save that you made. You did save, didn't you? If not, all may not be lost. Go to your \Oblivion\Data\Backup\ folder and copy DEFAULT.bak to the \Data\ folder. Rename it to yourmodname.esp and load it into the CS. For future purposes, in the CS go to Preferences -> Misc and set Autosave to save however often you like (I suggest five minutes). Make sure you have a AutosaveDEFAULT.bak in your \Data\Backup\ folder. If you do not, create one: right click in the folder and choose 'New -> Text Document' and rename it to AutosaveDEFAULT.bak. This will be your future safety net.

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OK thanks guys. One more question. I successfully created my mod (a house) and did everything it told me on the CS wiki and I was done. Or at least I thought so. When I check my mod file from oblivion mod manager it doesnt seem to load ingame (i.e. its as if I didnt make a mod). What am I doing wrong or What did I forget to do. I mean I just clicked save when I was done and just selected the .esp in OMM.
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Did you create the OMOD correctly? The OMOD must have the correct folder structure.
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No, I didn't make it into an OMOD, I kept it as an .esp. But how would I go about doing that? Could you list the steps From the point of where I am done with the .esp and what I need to do to get it to work ingame?
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If you didn't create an OMOD did you activate your mod in Oblivion launcher before you started the game? Even if you go back afterwards and launch the game with OMM you'll need to activate with the launcher (unless OMM is capable of activating non-OMODs ... out of my usual practice).
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Well, It is marked as active in both the Oblivion mod manager and the Oblivion launcher. And BTW, do I need to have oblivion.esm active from the oblivion launcher?
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