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Closing gates


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Just something that annoys me terribly: everybody leaves the gates open. When a settlement is under attack, the attackers run right in and don't even have to stop for a moment to open the gates. If at least gates automatically closed 30 seconds after being opened, they'd be slightly more functional. Currently, I don't even know why I bother placing them.


To a lesser degree, I'd say this actually applies to all doors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I could not agree more man! I REALLY don't understand why there is no mod for this.. its stupid as hell. I also installed a mod that makes settlers be able to die... cause otherwise whats the point if they are immortal. They CANT be killed be raiders or attacks. Sometimes i really don't understand mistakes like this in such a big game...

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Personally, I find the defenses a crock, to a point. Walls, turrets, etc. should be able to defeat even the strongest enemies out there. However, if I allow a settlement to fend for itself, it will die. I think that's bull. I think if I take the time to arm my people, give them armor, put up at least turrets, then they should be able to withstand most, minor, attacks. Of course with buildings that matter, the odds of getting in, and even kidnapping, should go down. I'm thinking of using the concrete floor to not just even things out, but also as walls to put my turrets on, and then a second layer.This could work for some place like Abernathy Farms, but the rest? Not sure. I'm going to have to play around with some stuff. I do know one thing, I think that turrets should be able to handle most enemies easily enough.

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