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Item Description Mod


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I was wondering if there is a mod that add description to game items. I know this sounds stupid, but I like how, for example, in Infinity Engine games and in Pillars of Eternity, each item has description, and magic items especially have nice texts about their history.




Edited by Achronos11
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I wish someone would, I have missed this too from those games, giving little bits of history on the items and in game lore and sometimes little funny stories. I loved to read those (need I say that I am someone that would sit there and read the books that I find interesting and wish for more?) I hope someone takes up this idea if it hasn't already been done, even if it is something like a book form (if the description can't be placed on the items themselves) with a small icon of the item and descriptions (think Weapons of Tamriel or Cutlery of Skyrim...)


Just as an Aside, could you tell what games those screenshots came from, I am pretty sure I know the first (looks like Icewind Dale) the second looks familiar but can't place it (and I am probably going to be embarrassed by the game because that Looks VERY familiar but can't place the name) and the third and fourth I don't know (but they look interesting) and are they offline games or online?

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Knew I was going to be embarrassed about that second one :D *buries head*


Ah, okay, I remember now (been a while might have to crack out the games) that Icewind dale had much more information than Baldur's Gate :)


Might have to look up Pillars of Eternity :)


Thanks. :)


Still hope someone is willing to at least put some of the descriptions in (I am terrible at coming up with descriptions)

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As someone who doesn't really use enchantments (I use magic mostly, tried using swords but that allowed the enemies way to close for my comfort) I will say I don't really mind ;)


But, I can see how others would, so probably not going to happen :( Thanks for testing though :)

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