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Dynamic weapon damage depended on level. Is it possible?


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I really hate static damage boost. It makes enemies in very late game bullet sponges (since weapon damage stops scaling as soon as you max out related perk)


I am looking for a way to make perks giving extra damage depended on level For instance, first gunslinger perk gives 1% damage boost per level. If a character is level 10, the perk would give 10% damage boost.


I am looking at Function parameters, and currently type is 'float'. There are several options for the type. I assume 'string' is not what I am looking for. Any advice on this?

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I haven't looked into the mod tools yet however the author for this mod might be able to point you in the direction you need to go:


His mod works based on Strength, maybe the function would work in a similar manner?



You'd have to figure out a good value on how much each rank would increase that percentage by. If it increases by a flat 1%/level each rank the earlier levels would be significantly weaker than the vanilla perk but the later levels would be overpowered.

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I haven't looked into the mod tools yet however the author for this mod might be able to point you in the direction you need to go:


His mod works based on Strength, maybe the function would work in a similar manner?



You'd have to figure out a good value on how much each rank would increase that percentage by. If it increases by a flat 1%/level each rank the earlier levels would be significantly weaker than the vanilla perk but the later levels would be overpowered.


Thank you for the reply.


I looked at it, and it indeed uses Actor Value for setting the value. The problem is that while all SPECIAL and some other ridiculous stuffs are already included in 'Actor Value', there is no player level in it..... the closest thing is 'experience' but it does not work for some reason.


Yes, I once thought about compromising by just using agility instead of level... but then, if that so, it'd better to just add more gun damage perks, which I already found rather unsatisfactory.

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the other option is to do the inverse rather than increasing damage decreasing health of enemies or at least bringing them more in line with the players own maximum. its weird being level 60 and being killed in 6 shots by a legendary super mutant with a standard assault rifle that is only meant to do 60 damage with the normal pertinent perks. honestly with 800 health and full armor (500 with mods) i would expect to last a little longer than that. maybe looking at the enemies own leveling code the solution could be found.

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That can be easily done with a perk. Modify any existing perk of your choice and create several entry points:

1) each entry will have conditions (GetLevel function running on a player reference) to check the player's level to be in range like 1..10, 11..20, 21..30 etc

2) each entry will mod weapon attack damage increased by 10%, so 10% for the first range 1..10, 20% for second 11..20, etc.


Create 20 entry points to cover the levels range from 1 to 200 and you will roughly get 1% per level on average. The only downside is that you gain extra damage every 10 levels, not per level. You can split ranges between several perks to make more sence investing perk points, so for example Gub Nut 1 will cover levels 1..30, Gun Nut 2 levels 31..60, etc.

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Would it be possible to set a float value for the perk for each rank (1% for Rank 1, 1.75% for Rank 2) then have the perk get the character level and multiple it for that value to calculate the damage boost? So say level 3 you grab the Commando perk you get a +3% damage boost (not that rewarding, I know.) But Level 9 comes around and you purchase Rank 2, instead of a 9% it would give you a 15.75% damage boost? Or round the answer up if it needs to be a whole integer. The numbers here need to be tweaked for balancing but would this be a better method than doing level brackets?

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  • 4 months later...

So, the official editor came out and I am trying to figure out how to do it with scripting, except I have no idea what I am doing really..


Basically, I think I need to make a new actor value that brings the player level and output it as a simple integer so it can be used for calculation.


I am sure this is how I get the player character level:




Now, I am trying to compile it in PERK editor (at papyrus scripts tab)..... except it fails to compile.


I have no clue how to advance at this point.



Edit: It seems there is also "Game.GetPlayerLevel()". But it does not help my situation.

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