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Really annoying landscape texture problem (textures not blending)


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Greetings Nexus users.


I've been playing and modding Oblivion for about 2 years now and I've gotten a pretty good handle on everything. I get the odd crash but sh*t happens, nothing major. My game looks amazing with ENB and texture overhauls.


However this one annoying problem has always persisted and I have never figured out how to deal with it. I've posted screenshots so you can see for yourself, it's easier than explaining I think.


It's as though the different terrain textures won't cooperate with each other. As far as I understand, Oblivion's game engine is supposed to blend or "morph" the textures into each other so that they overlap and gives the illusion of a more gradual transition from one landscape type to another. But as you can see from my screenshots, this clearly isn't happening.


Is this a mod issue? An .ini issue? Or simply an engine limitation? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!



Here are the screenshots:



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hmmm, yeah me happen to have that issue.

This is because cell overriding in Oblivion is not that good. Bashed patch not help much too

even though use this mod to fix some land, still the problem persist

solution that I can see is ... deep dive into the mod and find the culprit

make sure you use this mod to find the land by hi-light it

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Could it be related to the problem of too many textures in a quad ... I can't seem to find my link to more info on the problem, but it was on TES Alliance (could be one of the tutorials or maybe a troubleshooting question).

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There is a limit to how many textures can be assigned in a landscape 4x4 section. If you are editing a landscape quad and want to add a texture that isn't listed for that quad you need to replace the least used texture with the one you want to use (not all of the textures listed are used, or if they are you want the one that is used the least).


I believe if a mod author doesn't replace the least used texture and simply adds another texture what you are seeing is the result. If I could remember exactly where at TES Alliance I read about the situation it gives a step by step of how to fix/avoid the problem, but I can't find my link to it and didn't see it when I looked at TES Alliance.


If you post your problem (with screenshot) there I'm sure you'll get directed to the solution (you will need to register at TES Alliance though).

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Striker is correct. This is a cell texture limitation issue. There are many nuances to applying landscape textures in a game cell, but Strikers basic explanation is dead on. Each game cell is divided into 4 quadrants, a quadrant can display a max of 9 landscape textures. When painting textures across quadrant borders (or cell borders) this contrasting line can be the result if one quadrant is already "full". There are several possible fixes that require actually opening the mod in the CS and manually adjusting the landscape textures. The easiest of which is to simply delete one texture from the offending cell quadrant, so that the intended texture displays properly across the borders. Just be sure to never delete the most dominant texture from a cell quadrant, this can cause the dreaded "black texture" bug. And always keep a backup copy.

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