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Removing Shrubs and whatnot from Settlements


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Can we please get a mod that removes the ground shrubbery from settlements (namely Sanctuary) and rubble as well? I know there's a mod that supposedly does this already on the Nexus but according to the description it does it for the whole map, not just for settlements. I'd like it specifically for settlements if that's possible right now.

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I know this may not be exactly what you're looking for, but opening the console, selecting the item you want removed and then typing "disable" will get rid of it. I made a settlement in Hangman's Alley and had to build a multi-storied shanty town to fit everything in. Some electrical wires (scenery ones, not the settlement wires) clipped through a few buildings and got really annoying. Doing this got rid of them, but I don't think there's a way to bring them back. Anyways just another idea for anyplace other than sanctuary.

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