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How will custom content handle player dialogue?


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Yes to the last part of that


There are 12000+ lines of audio, I am about 0% through listening to each and every one of them and making a spreadsheet with audio file name and the content of said file. I plan to be done well in advance of my quest mod getting worked on so look forward to it mid january, probably about a week after someone beats me to it with a program that auto does it all from fo4edit or some s#*!

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I am about 0% through listening to each and every one of them and making a spreadsheet with audio file name and the content of said file


You really want to do this manually, no joke? omg what a nightmare!


Basically you need a script that extracts/log the the line and FormID into a text file (afterwards you can comma separate the FormID for the spreadsheet)?

There is already a script that let you find a specific word in the dialog files:



So, if you want to cut a specific word out of the dialog files, you can already find it easily, thanks to zilav! :dance:

Hopefully he reads this and is kind enough to modify his script to add a log to file feature for you. :wink:



Creating a audio file library out of single spoken PC words is a entire different story. A lot of audio editing... eeewwwwwww

But i may participating in such a project if there is really a demand for it from the mod community.

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I expect the low cost solution will be the one that you see most often.


Unspoken lines that are delivered like NV and silent NPCs that lip sync with subtitles like Fuz Ro D-oh.


Outside of that we'll get people who chop up existing dialogue and a few voice acted NPCs.

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