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Hot Topic #2: The cliché multiplayer Elder Scrolls topic


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it would be good and bad if u ask me


THE GOOD: i think oblivion would kill most mmos on the market


THE BAD: oblivion i think would be big enough and plus if it is going to be a mmo u need bigger stores, the open cites mod to open the place up , and more quest to keep the people from raiding the imperial city and kill all the noods and guards :P

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Well, I dont want the game to become a mmorpg. Reasons:

1. MMORPGs often have a monthly fee. I would'n want to pay it.

2. That would mean no mods.

3. Gold-selling would appear.


Exactly what you said Rider, I don't want any of those things. And... if you have Gold-selling in an mmorpg with e-mail capabilities, that means "Junk mail spammers constantly" I hate them and no one ever does anything about it.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm with the people who would like co-op or small team LAN

so my wife and I can travel together, but I am still on dial-up, plus I can't really afford monthly fees.

I would also like another mod friendly game.

If Bethesda want to go up against Blizzard fine, but don't forget us simple folk. :mellow:

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I think if Bethesda were to make an MMO type game it would probably end up being your basic "WoW clone" with a Tamrealic twist. I would prefer it if they were to make an MMo style game that was like oblivion but spanned all of Tamreal and had a more flashy combat system. It would be kinda silly to make it "exactally" like this but I like the DMC series combat system so I think it would be cool to have one simallar. I like how DMC specifically 3 if very fast paced as well as context senative. In short I would love a bethesda made MMO if it took it's signature systems but added a combat system with more finesse to it and instead of just click, click ,click, hold click power attack, block,block ,click, click showing the same 3-4 attack animation be more like. Lock on, side step, side step, charge stab, click click....click click...click combo attack, shield bash, launch attack, jump click click click downward slash ground pound/sword charge follow up. That would be my idea online game oh and I think it would be best if it was strictly PvE oriented. Blizzards attemts at trying to balance every aspect of their PvP system is starting to kill WoW for me. Their latest attemt at trying to balance 2vs2 arena has really messed up my druids spot on my guilds raid charts :/
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I am going to give you my feeling and my feeling only...


I will never buy into an Oblivion MMORPG. I don't own WoW and never will...But I understand why Beth is going for it. The business model if the franchise becomes successful, would be a tremendous source of cash...


I am against paying a monthly fee to play with 3 friends over the weekend...But I know Beth is going to developp a MMORPG. They have a fan base (a bigger one than Warcraft at the time), they have a terrific background (a better one than WoW) and they have the artistic capability (better than WoW) so on the paper they can do better than WoW...They know they can and so they'll try, I'll do the same if I was in their shoes...


My only hope lies in the fact that a MMORPG on a console might not be so easy to put in place and because they have sold a tremendous amount of Games for the console they might want to continue to developp for this support and therefore developp a single player based Game that will also be proposed to the PC. I am a PC gamer and I am for a single player TES V(I). This game could have online / LAN capabilities but one thing for sure: I will never buy a TES MMORPG....

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