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Hot Topic #2: The cliché multiplayer Elder Scrolls topic


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It would be easier to make a NWN conversion for Oblivion honestly. While I was hoping that Oblivion would be multiplayer, I was dissapointed to discover otherwise. What would I like to see in a multi version? Easy. Automatic downloads so I didnt have to surf the entire internet for mods that are intalled on the server I was joining. Other then that, a button making sure all players and specs were legit. (IE no cheated modded characters) Quests are quests...easy enough. Multi would prove just as fun as solo. A simple mod to the mobs when you enter a dungeon or step of a quest to tally the levels of players and balance foes/traps/mobs out is all that one needs. The rest is RP and interaction. And lots and lots of cybering yes...lots of that..
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IMO, Oblivion can only be a small multiplayer game, based on coop or pvp. Why? MMORPGs require a completely different engine, it's a totally different type of game. It's just impossible to "transform" Oblivion to a MMO.


Try to imagine- you're running through a forest with a group of friends, you're all begginers, you all try to hunt a minotaur... It's late night, the moon is shining and you're resting by a campfire, talking about friggin' cliff racers :happy:



I'd like a little multiplayer, for max. 32 players. It would really kick azz ;)

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I not sure....MMORPG or MMO are becoming so popular that most games produced become these type. If i am honest , for me their getting boring, but when i first discovered them, they were amazing. I can rember when i first played runescape, it was amazing that a game could be played in such away. When i graduated (my mom calls it this lol :D) to Wow i was amazed that a game with such great graphics could be played online etc, but after three months i became bored and quit. I rarely ever touch a MMO etc. Lately i have been playing the LOTR BFME series (though i still on number one :D) and i er love? the way you play like on your own, but there that option to play online with friends :D Lately i come to the conclusion that all MMORPG are the same weather they be medevil or a pirate game for example, also as some one said early i grew tire of the abuse i got mainly at low levels and then all the fighting i had to do to stop it happening to others :(.


I think if TES become a MMORPG i think with their capeability it could even challenge wow, but i doubt i be intrested due to wat i said earlier and that i luv my mods too much wich make oblivion and morrowind magic :D


I think the idea mentioned above about a special arena for online gaming is good. Because you can still enjoy the oblivion but every now and again go have a fight with your friends etc :D


Er hope you made any sense of that :D

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Like someone posted before there are some big differences between an online/LAN coop/PVP RPG and a MMORPG. The core engine code is very different and so are the gameplay mechanics like skill development, dialogue etc.

A small coop/pvp multiplayer would be a nice addition to a singleplayer TES RPG. I think Beth should focus on creating a singleplayer TES 5.

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Well, there is one BIG problem with an MMORPG. With the high graphics in Oblivion, there would have to be a GODLY powerful server capable of sustaining multiplayer action (god, please send your divine intervention to help the potential projest ;D). Another problem is the fact that higher level players can practically dominate the Oblivion realm by killing every other player in sight (the Legion isn't large enough!!) Creature and NPC Respawning will also have to be enabled and quickened (which has a big blow to realism
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Ok, three things to make clear:


1) You are not allowed to post in this thread until you read http://forum.gamingsource.net/index.php?sh...c=18923&hl= . This explains why you are all completely wrong in assuming that "MMORPG" and "WoW" are the same thing. There is plenty of room for the open-ended spirit of Morrowind (lets forget Oblivion ever happened) in an MMORPG, if designed properly. Just look at EVE-Online and the upcoming Darkfall (which will probably be the last fantasy game I ever buy).


2) Anyone talking about engine issues as a reason not to make an MMORPG is an idiot. Making multiplayer of ANY kind would be impossible without a complete re-write of the engine. We're talking about such a dramatic difference that Bethesda would be better of scrapping the whole thing and starting over from the beginning. Things like pausing the game for menus/dialogue, one-time objects/quests, even the entire client-side design of Oblivion, would be fatal problems in ANY multiplayer engine. So all forms of multiplayer are equally easy to create.


3) Anyone talking about co-op multiplayer is also an idiot. It won't work, get over it. Just ask yourself how many hours you've spent playing Oblivion. Now ask yourself what the odds of getting even ONE other person to schedule their gaming time so you're both always together, spend all their time on a character that takes the same quest paths, etc. You might be able to join up for a single quest or a quick duel, but forget actually playing through the storyline together.

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Please forgive my brutal choise of language. If you are sensative don't read the comment.

Ill try to cencure most foul words.




If Bethesda whode make the next Elder Scroll in to a MMORPG then i whode have to go to Bethesda and crack some heads. Most games that have the freedom i want in a game are MMO and i dont have the money to pay a monthly fee just so i can play. Online support fine, Lan support whode be great but dont make it in to a completly Online game. I hate it when i find MMOs that have these realy cool stuff you can do f.ex. Base building in City of Villain. I want stuff like that in a game i dont have to pay every *** *** month to play.

We nead more games with biger freedom that you can play singel player and Lan/Online.



hmm i managed to not make it too brutal.

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3) Anyone talking about co-op multiplayer is also an idiot. It won't work, get over it. Just ask yourself how many hours you've spent playing Oblivion. Now ask yourself what the odds of getting even ONE other person to schedule their gaming time so you're both always together, spend all their time on a character that takes the same quest paths, etc. You might be able to join up for a single quest or a quick duel, but forget actually playing through the storyline together.

I have to agree with you there.


It'd be good if, for example, you could say something like "I'm going to raid a Bandit Cave/Ruin. Does anyone want to come with me? I'll be leaving from the north gate in a few moments, I'll meet anyone who is coming there." in the middle of a town/guild.

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Oh please, quit whining. Lets think about this for a second, and compare some entertainment options:


Cost of dinner out with friends: $10-15

Time spent: 1, maybe 2 hours, one night.


Cost of a movie ticket: $7

Time spent: 1-2 hours.


Cost of average new game: $60

Time spent: lots of hours over a short time, questionable replay value.


Cost of a month's MMORPG subscription: $15

Time spent: lots of hours, over an entire month, with high replay value.




So, what conclusions can we draw here? MMORPGs provide a higher hours of entertainment per dollar ratio than any of the other forms of entertainment. Even other games fail to match that ratio, since if you buy a new game more than once every four months, you're spending more than an MMORPG would cost. And finally, $15 a month is a trivial amount to anyone who actually has a job, it's not like we're talking about $1000/month fees or something.


So once again, stop whining. There are plenty of good reasons to hate MMORPGs (well, except EVE), but the cost is not one of them.




And as for the idea of LAN multiplayer, a wise man once said (well, God Himself, and the post right before yours):


3) Anyone talking about co-op multiplayer is also an idiot. It won't work, get over it. Just ask yourself how many hours you've spent playing Oblivion. Now ask yourself what the odds of getting even ONE other person to schedule their gaming time so you're both always together, spend all their time on a character that takes the same quest paths, etc. You might be able to join up for a single quest or a quick duel, but forget actually playing through the storyline together.
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