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Hot Topic #2: The cliché multiplayer Elder Scrolls topic


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This level problem could potentially be combatted with leveled servers, I.E. servers reccomended for players of certain levels, and entering at a lower level is your own fault if anything happens, and higher levels cant enter.
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I think the next elder srolls game should be an online co-op where you find someone online to play with and you both work together to complete all the quests. In doing that though they should also allow you to walk away from your partner to explore so for example if one of the players goes exploring through a cave or something he can walk back and meet the other player somewhere so they can trade armor and weapons. it would also be cool though if in the next game you have more freedom to choose if you wanna be good or evil, because then they can even set it up so if you choose the path of good and the person your playing online with chooses evil you may cross paths during the game.
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I would not want to see an Elder Scrolls MMORPG, as i hate MMO's, and one could never measure up with the real elder scrolls games. I'm pretty sure it would be much better than WoW, but that does not necesarrily mean a good game. Just get ESV out, and it better not be dumbed down.


And, let's not forget you can't really mod MMO's, and I mod Oblivion all the time because I consider it do be an incomplete game.

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I absolutly HATE mmorpgs (exsept for maple story) and it would not go onto the story line of elder scrolls i mean i really really dont want to go into the imperial city and hear ppl say stuff like give that back u motha F***** u stole my sword...and that would be another thing u could have single player and mutly and ur single player is wat u use in multi so if something gets stullen in multi buy another player. you wouldn't have it when u go back to single and i think that would be g** so u could like just go up to some1 pickpocet the best item in the game that u get at the end of the main quest and then go back and have it at lvl 1 that would also be g**...plus it wouln't go along with the story line!!!



BTW for thoes who want to know when ES V is comming out... i was on some forms and some1 who worked for betheda soft. said he is working for graphics stuff and the predict it will come out in 2009



~Thank You
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Alright, first off im going to say that we have enough MMORPG's to choose from, go play WoW or something if you want that kind of an experience. Secondly I do believe there should be a multi player Elder Scrolls, but a totally different type of multi player than everyone is stuck on. I'm thinking like you play your character in the single player story mode then once you've been seasoned enough you can arrange online matches between you and someone else. These matches could be 1 on 1 or team battles. When you lose a match nothing is looted off of your corpse nor can you loot off anyone else's corpse, you should acquire your items in the single player mode not get lucky in a match and get a really powerful sword/armor. The only thing that I think can ruin this is noobs beefing up their character with console cheats so they're practically un-beatable. But if you get a couple of true players in there that dont cheat then you can play some pretty exciting matches!


That's just my idea, you probably don't like it but hey I really don't give a sh*t.

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"Another option would be to actually populate the world with very few NPCs, and use players as all the different groups found in the game. Meaning that when a player registers for the TES:MMORPG, they can be given a choice of being a "good guy" (city guard, Imperial legion, general hero-type adventurer), a "bad guy" (bandit, marauder, necromancer, etc.), a "neutral guy" (peasant, farmer, merchant, noble, etc.), or an "other guy" (Great House Retainer, ghost, Morag Tong, etc.). Maybe the player starts off at a kind of citizenship station after coming off of a boat, kinda like in Morrowind (except not coming out of jail, since that'd be just too coincidental that EVERYBODY was for some reason imprisoned), from whence they then progress through their chosen option. The option would have to be vague enough to allow for open choices later on in the game, but each path could offer specific choices, such as a bandit or marauder being able to join certain factions that a peasant can not."





I agree with the option (above) that slappy meat provided it would make a great MMORPG, along with keeping up people's religions and such , maybe the story could be about how tamriel's religion is failing because of technology and new magic? that would be great.

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Well, what I would love to see is a game in the style of Morrowind and Oblivion, with the exception of being able to have multiplayer. Just a small amount of people, maybe a party of 5 or so at a time. Maybe several options, using a service to have an open game with people, or just a direct connect. Grr..I have to many ideas. Time to separate them




Ok, I am envisioning essentially Oblivion, but multiplayer.


I would see maybe 2-8 people per game. I don't like MMOs that much, so not anywhere like that. 16 would be the absolute max, and only in some game types.


For the server, either a dedicated machine running a dedicated server, OR just running it as part of the main executable (the first would probably be better, but if it isn't an option, or your machine is uber, you can run it in the game.)


Characters...Hosted on client, Host, or Beth's Service...depending on gametype. It would be hard to keep people from cheating, so there are different options. If you play with friends you trust, you can use local chars for ease of use (and where there is no internet!) or if you are playing with strangers, you use Beth stored chars.

Different game types...



No main quest, just side quests. Maybe guild quests. Aimed towards PvE, 1 party of up to 8. Characters can be client, host or beth, any combination thereof.

This type is geared towards just running around with friends clearing out dungeons, maybe a few quests along the way also. Lasts forever. No clear ending.



Essentially just like the singleplayer, but multi! With this, a group of friends can do the main quest, side quests, or anything they want. Still just one party. Rewards...Choice of duplicating, or players choose who gets it. Or several choices, and they choose which they want.

This is for people who figured that the hero had friends that he could have called upon to help him. Lasts forever, but you can stop feeling satisfied once Mundus is safe from Mehrunes.


Adventure2 (generic sounding?)

Adventure mode, but TWO parties, one of them evil! Maybe just Mythic Dawn, or possibly play the daedra? Maybe this would be a different storyline, like shorter.

I would probably have a shorter main quest for each side, and whoever completes it first wins. Of course, should the sides see eachother, they could battle and have a winner before :) Maybe an hour, maybe a few hours. Depends on the map/campaign chosen.



A few peeps, team duel, or solo. Like the mod Oblivion Tournament! Chars from wherever the host chooses.


Thats it for now



Mods would be a difficult area. There would be some way to check the files to make sure that the mods are installed, the correct version, and not modified. Like CRC or something...I do not know a lot in this area. I would also change it so that everything was in their Own archive. Like mods can come with ESM&/ESP and then a BSA. This way mods that have overlapping textures (humanhead.dds is a big one) can easily have conflicts resolved. The server simply tells which one to use. Unless The option for texture/mesh(all or just equipment) conflicts OK is checked :) Then you only have to worry about other stuff, like spells! Also, have support for OBSE. It rules. Basically mod support a must, so we don't have to give up F/C/O/M etc to play with friends


Also, as others (i just read Mitch's post) have said, there ought to be a choice of good and evil.


Basically, I would be happy if there was simply more than one person. Maybe I'll add more later. I need to play some oblivion now. =P

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When I first started playing Oblivion, everything was so amazing I thought to myself "I can't believe Bethesda hasn't made 'Elder Scrolls Online' yet...". Now, after becoming addicted to using mods and in the learning process of modding myself, I'm afraid of them actually doing it. There is soooo much great player created content out there, I think a massive multiplayer version would have to be so watered down that much would be lost.


Do I think an MMO Elder Scrolls would be a success? Absolutely, without question, and it would be able to go toe-to-toe with all the other heavy hitter mmos out there including the P.O.S. known as wow (junk). If Bethesda got innovative and introduced a way to create "instance mods" so that players could still create mods that only affected their own game play and gaming world and not anyone else's, that would be a big help. They could even go with certain max restraints for creating armor/weapons/etc so that they would have to be within certain guidelines as far as effects and abilities if they were to be used within the general gaming world, so there would be no "uber swords of doom" as far as insta-killing something, but, you could have awesome looking weaponry like Adonnays or all the many beautiful armor sets without them being overpowering. As far as quest mods, well, the construction set would have to rock and force checks to be positive the quests worked flawlessly without errors or interference, the quests would have to be instanced so as to not interfere with other people performing other quests (solo or group), but on the good side, player created questing would certainly create a huge amount of interest for gamers who love mmos because, it's never been done before (not truly).


Again, I think much would be lost if Bethesda created an MMO of Elder Scrolls and didn't go the several extra miles they'd need to in order to retain the flavor of Oblivion and Morrowind (I'm a 'regressionist' ...I tried Morrowind goty after already falling in love with Oblivion...and I love both) for all of the players that have been here all along. I could get by with having 'normal' weaponry and armor as far as damage and protection, but, if I had to look at a thousand people in fluorescent lime green glass armor once they hit level 20, well, I'd puke. Variety is everything.


On the other hand, I would love to see multiplayer for Oblivion, for 8-16ish people and absolutely dream of some gods of programming wizardry to figure out a way to make it happen (solid/stable networking code) with the only requirements being that all players connecting would have to have the same mods as far as any that modify stats/skills/abilities and damage/protection. There could be both pvp enabled or co-op only (simple check box) which would disable receiving damage from your buddies if Joe the Mage has some huge AE fire spell that he cooks off that you accidently walk into. I don't think it would be necessary for everybody I connected with to have all my castle mods (I'm a real estate mogul in Cyrodiil) but I wouldn't want someone NOT using Deadly Reflexes on 2.5x damage to get hit by one of my swords while I am using it. Basically, all damage and protection levels would have to be on leveled flat for everyone, but that could be forced at time of connection. I'd want more than just arena fighting with my buddies, as that's no big deal, but opening up a new construction set which has a way to make group based questing, now that would rock. Heck, just being able to go through a modified version of the main quest (to accommodate more than one person) with friends would seriously kick ass.


Final words: An Elder Scrolls MMORPG would rock if done right, but doing it right would be extremely difficult, more so than what any other company has done for any MMO to date (I would think) and because of that, I doubt it could be done right and in the end would be too similar to too many already existing mmos.


As for a multiplayer enabled version for 8-16 people, I think it would seriously kick ass and myself and several of my friends have said to each other on many occasions "if they'd just make multiplayer for 8 people so we could play together, I'd cancel all my MMO accounts".

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