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Dogmeat the Brave Leader


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Hey, boy.
How are you doing?

....Would you like to play a game?

Find me the path that settlers will take
this grand construction together we'll make
without you, only for modpos's sake,
would settlers be able to reach their own stake.

The path that I follow is not always there,
I must be a wizard to press through the air
for walls that were once upon earth's firm foundation
though removed, seem only to give them frustration

these settlers they choose such a circuitous route,
to see my blue corn you'd think there'd been a drought!
Now Dogmeat, come hither and strike out all doubt,
and help me direct these poor fools strewn about.

I'm pretty darn certain that I'd made a way
I know it, I walked it, with Dogmeat at bay!


here, boy.
...over there.

come here.
...stay, boy.

here, boy!
...over there.
come here!

Yes, I see it now.
I see my error, and I am filled with a great sadness.

This wall seems to be the desire of many
as, tireless, they press against its firmness
no command nor trickery can convince them to use the portal,
they are content to polish the floor.

Still, they look at me.
The intelligence in their Eyes of Beauty
is belied by their apparent duty
to hold back my plans for a sensible place
and they are content to polish the floor.

Still, work must continue and we have our mission
though I start to feel silly, an honest admission
Dogmeat, please help me, before it's too late
deliver our settlers from this horrid condition.


now we have a sunroom,
I hope you're happy
cause boy this facade looks pretty crappy.
not in the least, I am forced to put stairs
so Settlers and Dogmeat may stride unawares
of that six. inch. ledge.


-- author's note --
I wanted to write another, so I did; if you made it this far I applaud your commitment. Maybe you just wanted to see how bad it could really get. I won't even go back to read it, for I'm certain I would be appalled. I haven't written or read (much) poetry since I had all the hair on the top of my head so if you are knowledgeable and would like to critique this, please do - I don't mind :smile:

Many thanks to @ad3d0 for their ahk script, "Precise object moving and rotating."

You made this so much easier.


Also thanks to @LogRaam for their lovely mod, "The Eyes Of Beauty Fallout Edition".


Heavenly backdrop provded by @Mangaclub

Radiant Clouds and Fogs

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Great, it was fun to write and flowed out naturally for the most part. I wish I'd remembered that circuitous has four syllables but what can ya do. I looked up the word 'esoteric' just to be sure, this is one of many that I had known through context only. Sitting at a computer is sure convenient sometimes.


I'm curious, is it because there must be some knowledge of the building system and Dogmeat's particular usefulness / the commands by which our PC directs him?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I read it and felt a twinge of regret. I would have written a poem like that, back in the day, and yet; I would have added such a description of my emotions, in words, that would suggest my tired old body would rather not die of boredom, not just yet.


The poem reminds me it is Winter, because of how long and drawn out it is.


Do you have Winter where you are?

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It was with a comedic spirit that this was written, and I am generally satisfied with it on completion aside from a couple of cringe-worthy passages. The feeling of weariness and the suggestion of Winter in its drawn-out length is apparent to me though, after reading your solemn appraisal. I am no stranger to Winter, living as I do in the northeast of the U.S.. This past December was the warmest in recorded history for my state, but as I write this the air outside is frigid and though yet unburdened by snow, the landscape is settled into that pallid state where life has seemed to pause.

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I've seen Winter days like you describe.


This day there is another half inch of snow layered upon the walk. It dulls my senses, while the memories of childhood shout out about how much fun I had the deeper the snow was. Snow Angels, snowmen, and piles of fluffy white crystal's to mold into whatever I could imagine.


I used to play and now I wonder where life took all those neighborhood friends/ Those sisters and brothers who tossed soft balls of snow about shocking us out of our crafty mood. We'd run about squealing from the tiny cold chills of the snowflakes touching exposed flesh, and laughing maniacally as we all engaged in the fun.


The horrid piles needing shoveling replaced those youthful wondrous days. But the desire to play is greatest when we miss it the least and it surprises us. It shakes us out of our Winter blues when we've almost forgotten the wondrous ways of nature and our childhood.


I hope you find a miracle in the mines vines tendrils that will bring those childlike fun memories awhile.


I trust you won't forget Fallout 4 and Dogmeat because of this short note, while possibly reliving fond memories for just a moment.

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