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Making a Huge, Storyline-Centered Mod, but people will contribute?


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what im doing right now is writing the storyline of a high chance of becoming one good mod for skyrim if done right, my story goes like this as far im going (might change in the future):


a new shop opens in witherun, selling exotic items (potent potions, dragon bones, skins, rare spells and enchanted weapons, of course at high prizes) but the dragonborn catch the eye of something, a strange, old music box, the vendor explains that in the imperial city are very popular, and says that the music box is special somehow, that he feels it, and sells the music box to the dragonborn at a moderate prize (but with enought speech you can buy it at garbage prize) and if you interact with it it will play a song, after hearing the song a message said that you got a deep urge to sleep, after sleeping on any bed (doesn't matter how many hours) the dragonborn get transported to a hall consisting only of a floor, and beds and pillows floating around in pure darkess, after walking a little the dragonborn meets (still decising the name, but im gonna call it bob for now), in a circle with inscriptions on it, bob explains that he's the god of good dreams, and deep nemesis of Vaermina (the daedric god of nightmares), he explains that vaermina creates twisted creatures called "Nightmares" (or any cool name that i come up with) that can't be seen or feeled, but makes people have bad thoughts and horrible nightmares, and these "Nightmares" get more strong by how many people they torment, so Bob started creating a order of warriors called "The Knighs of the Night"(or any other name i come up with) that are given the ability to see this "Nightmares", in their hideouts know as "Realm of Nightmares", and every "Nightmare" are given they own dungeon, and kill them( the "Nightmares" themself are miniboss, and minions are fighted along the dungeon), and the benefit they get is the power the Nightmare has gathered (rewards includes learning a random skill, a skill point to spend and of course loot), if the player accept, they can choose a special weapon that have bonuses against "Nightmares" (can be every type for every playstyle: bows, Swords, LongSwords, WarHammers, Daggers), and if they decline, they will be sent back to the real world, but you can go back to make the deal if you play the music box again. when you accept and choose your weapon, bob will send you to the closest portal to the "Realm of Nightmares", when you get there, enter the portal and defeat the "Nightmare" at the end, you go back to skyrim (after this point, portals to diferent dungeons of "Realm of Nightmares" will spawn as common a dragon encounter will be, even in middle of cities) a "Knight of the Night" will aproach you and aknowladge that you too are a "Knight of the Night" and guide you to his organized group in a cave, where you find out that a an old lady that is the leader of this group can see the future and predicts that on a couple of days, a "Nightmare" will become so strong, that can affect the physical world and it will consume it, so you and the other Knights start a quest to stop this.


Thats the intro to the story-line, im planning on multiple endings (ally with Vaermina to help the "Nightmare", the knights fails, the "Nightmares" are gone for good and the Knights disolves, or all the Knights are killed).


the problem is, i don't know anything about modding, the only thing i can do is the story and script and maybe provide concept art, so if i fully develop the story, can i group a couple of modders to make this come to life?


i dont want this to die, but i neither want to develop it not knowing if it will come to to life or not as a skyrim mod

Edited by franciscobiren
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If you don't know how to mod then use this http://www.creationkit.com/Main_Page and it not that hard to mod at all.


If you want to lead. You will have to do bulk of the work and make sure everything is working smoothly.


If you want to make a team you will need to improve your writing. For one, you have a lot of grammar mistakes and the format you write with is odd and tiring. So you need another writer to check up on your writing and that can be problematic for some.


I also don't think you outlined it at all. You can't just make a modding team and you not even sure of the story. Write it fully first.

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wot I think... your idea does not have to start in Whiterun; it does not even have to take place in Skyrim province. There are several "new landmass" projects out there and historically some of them underdelivered in the side-quest area. Perhaps you could approach such projects with your concepts. Of course the more you are capable in using Creation Kit, the more chances you have to make some impact.

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wot I think... your idea does not have to start in Whiterun; it does not even have to take place in Skyrim province. There are several "new landmass" projects out there and historically some of them underdelivered in the side-quest area. Perhaps you could approach such projects with your concepts. Of course the more you are capable in using Creation Kit, the more chances you have to make some impact.

It can work a side quest when I think about it.

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