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Realistic Way of Gathering Supplies Consistently?


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I love the building system in Fallout 4, but I don't want to cheat and just simply get all of the crafting items and materials through a script. Is there a mod or something like that to give a realistic way of consistently gathering materials such as at a lumber mill or a rock quarry?

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There's noi way to do it realistically. Realistically ev erything would have been picked clean in 200 weeks, not 200 years. The only realistic way to to gather supplies is to make manufacturing stuff at your settlement, harvesting hemp for plastics, flax for linen, sheep for wool, chickens for protein, shipments of steel and concrete to create manufactured goods like screws and guns and such. Incidently, that's what Vaults were supposed to be: to be self sustaining they had to have a buttload of light manufacturing capacity including food synthesizers. Scavenging isn't a remotely sustainable way to live, manufacturing and trade is how human society was built, it's how we outpaced and ended the neanderthals. Trade and manufacturing.

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There's noi way to do it realistically. Realistically ev erything would have been picked clean in 200 weeks, not 200 years. The only realistic way to to gather supplies is to make manufacturing stuff at your settlement, harvesting hemp for plastics, flax for linen, sheep for wool, chickens for protein, shipments of steel and concrete to create manufactured goods like screws and guns and such. Incidently, that's what Vaults were supposed to be: to be self sustaining they had to have a buttload of light manufacturing capacity including food synthesizers. Scavenging isn't a remotely sustainable way to live, manufacturing and trade is how human society was built, it's how we outpaced and ended the neanderthals. Trade and manufacturing.


That's... actually exactly what I meant I was looking for.

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The game has scrap benches which you assign settlers to gather scrap. Creating stores also produces bottle caps in your bank.

Go out and collect all the settlements, fill them with scrap benches, next up create a few settlements that produce food and water and use those to feed the scrap workers.

I tend to use a central hub which connects to every other settlement. The settlers complain about being hungry but the happiness, food and water bars say otherwise.

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Well, if you build a scavenging station or two, and assign people to them, they'll slowly gather materials on their own and deposit them in the crafting station. Keyword: slowly. By the time you have like two dozen settlements (and yes, there are IIRC 30 possible ones in the game) doing that, and linked together, it will start actually amounting to a fair bit.


The other option is trading. Any shops you build will slowly produce caps, although it will take a LONG time before it even recoups the investment. But after that, it's basically a steady supply of caps. You just need to do a grand tour to collect the *ahem* taxes from all settlements yourself. Then you can buy shipments.


I THINK both are proportional to the settlement happiness, so you may want to start with a pub and then a doctor if you do make shops. Those seem to raise happiness the most, I think.

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There's noi way to do it realistically. Realistically ev erything would have been picked clean in 200 weeks, not 200 years. The only realistic way to to gather supplies is to make manufacturing stuff at your settlement, harvesting hemp for plastics, flax for linen, sheep for wool, chickens for protein, shipments of steel and concrete to create manufactured goods like screws and guns and such. Incidently, that's what Vaults were supposed to be: to be self sustaining they had to have a buttload of light manufacturing capacity including food synthesizers. Scavenging isn't a remotely sustainable way to live, manufacturing and trade is how human society was built, it's how we outpaced and ended the neanderthals. Trade and manufacturing.


Not necessarily picked clean, 95% of the population was wiped out and 200 years is like 6 generations. The map is also a lot smaller than reality. There simply hasn't been enough man power or social infrastructure to clean up the place.

Edited by McC1oud
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The game has scrap benches which you assign settlers to gather scrap. Creating stores also produces bottle caps in your bank.


Go out and collect all the settlements, fill them with scrap benches, next up create a few settlements that produce food and water and use those to feed the scrap workers.


I tend to use a central hub which connects to every other settlement. The settlers complain about being hungry but the happiness, food and water bars say otherwise.


A central hub works, of course, but isn't really necessary. The link is transitive. If you link for example Sanctuary Hills with Red Rocket, then Red Rocket with Abernathy Farm, then Abernathy with the Co-Op, the Co-Op with Graygarden, and Graygarden with Oberland Station... then the good people in Sanctuary Hills see all the materials from Oberland Station, and the people in Oberland Station see all the materials in Sanctuary Hills. There isn't even a delay in propagating the materials through all that long and winding trade road.

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Actually, DNA suggests strongly that the Neanderthals were Bred out of existence.

They were not killed off, or died off to competition they were literally blended out of existence into our species we have today.


@ OP


I think for your question the best bet is to download more "settlement shipments"

If your looking for a logical reason as to how your character gets enough stuff to build up those massive towns, villages, and outposts across the wasteland.


@ Moraelin


Ah nice I didn't realize that the trade network worked quite like that.

Edited by gamefever
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Can you say rape-baby?


Also I'm not kidding about the competed out, they were, by hook or crook. They didn't trade all their stuff was local, human stone tools, decorate shells, and proto-clothes from the same era shows trade networks going out hundreds of miles.

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Hey Everyone!


Thaught i'd share this "Bug" or Intention from Bethesda with You:

Every Footlocker (Little Green Trunk) You place inside your Settlement will randomly drop items (suits, glasses, ammo, EVEN FUSION CORES & MINI NUKES) like the settlers are adding thier stuff into these Containers.


Now i don't know if this is a side-effect from my +20 Mods installed, but i placed like over 30 of these and now i have a consistent (every 24 Hour or so) Supply of badly needed Ammo and Clothes (Like Fatigues and stuff, i love to dress my Settlers as Soldiers to have a small, private Army)


I would like to know if You can replicate this "Bug" or did Bethesda really implemented this "Feature", but the questions remains: Why do only the green, little Footlockers get "resupplies"?



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