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Fallout 4 Workshop Mode- Power- Miscellaneous - Terminal CRASH


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A new bug occurs to me.
I had SSEXn homemaker and their patches installed, and my game was crashing in workshop mode when i went to power tab, them miscellaneous, then i moved to the terminal right next to the radio beacon.

I uninstalled all those mods, but the crash still occurs right when i move on the terminal.

ANy chance to fix this?

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Crashes happens frequently if you have too much mods installed, that changes the build-menu. Even if you have one mod of that kind installed, but this one is changing/adding too much, it can be a problem.

Mostly it´s not a static value, but depends on how much your computer can handle. (and no, its not, that a new i7 can handle more then an older i5 by default, it depends on several things, like harddisk-speed and so on.)


So, yeah, you uninstalled the mods, but unfortunatly, that´s not solving the problem. Bethesda´s games rely heavly on the savegames, not only the engine. Nearly everything is stored in your save-file. And while you have killed the mod, the savegame has that information still in storage.

For Skyrim there was a savegamecleaner, but for FO4 it is not available yet.

So, how unfortunate it is, you have to do one of the following 2 methods:


1. in the best case, load savegame without the mods, then save, then exit game, restart it, and load the so called clean save. If your lucky, this will work.

2. worst case, if 1. is not working for you, because there is still a "residue" in your savegame, the only option is to start a new game without the mods.

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  • 6 months later...

Okay 7 months later I have this exact same issue,


Workshop -> Power -> Misc -> scroll over to terminal and Crash as its attempting to load the terminal.


This isn't some random "you have mods installed" issue like the guy above is saying. Anyone got any actual input on this?

Edited by kalipou
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Such crashes mostly occur when using mods of which you don't have all the assets. In any menu, when hovering over an item that has been added by this or that mod for which you also need the original mod but you didn't install that original mod, then the game will try to load assets that aren't present and the game crashes...

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have this problem with homemaker and settlement objects expanded. I use SKE so their menus are separated. I've moved meshes manually as other posts have suggested, even though none seemed to be missing. It's really irritating because there are things other than terminals in those menus that I can't get to, and also the vanilla terminal is the tiny round screen piece of s#*! and I don't want to have to look at that trash.

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