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Please do not endorse small mods.


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I thank you for at least being civil in your request, and with good spelling. But no, I think it is an opinion, and not likely to ever gain much ground. The premise is wrong, in my opinion. Many, many of the mods I use are very small indeed, and ones I would really like to see shine through.

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I endorse mods that i like small or big, don't come here and tell me what i shall endorse!

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Endorsements are encouragement for new (i.e. small) modders. What if T3nd0 hadn't received endorsements on his first mods, would we have SkyRe or PerMa today?


Well, I'm not as cool as those, but meh, some of us don't get discouraged easily either. My first attempts at making my own meshes were more of a case of 'hilarity ensues', and one of the first comments on my lightsabers for FO3 was '**** YOU!' Only without the asterisks ;)

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I see an endorsement as a way to tell the author he/she is doing a good job and a way to more or less tell them to keep doing what they are doing, not to rate the mod itself neccesarely.


I endorsed mods that crashed instantly, just because the idea was good, offcourse you do tell the author the mod has a problem that needs fixing in that case but also to not give up.


There are also enough searchfilters to narrow down your search, and yes some good mods small and big get lost quickly in the avalanche of mods. But at least for me and i bet alot of others, part of modding the game is scrolling thtough countless pages searching for that one gem everyone overlooked.

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Of course, these are all beautiful and politically correct answers ( with a few snide remarks heh ). But consider this : What if everyone endorses every mod they download? Every mods would have the same rating. Every mod having the same rating defeats the purpose of the endorsement system.


What if you go shopping for apples, and you see 15 different type of apples, and they're all rated 10 on 10? Ok, not the best allusion. Let me try again. What if you go shop for computer parts, and all parts from all companies are rated 10 on 10 by all computer reviews? How will you determine which part is better than the other?


I'm not saying we should tell certain modders that their mods sucks. I'm just saying that we can say "well, it's kind of an easy and quick mod you did there. Must've took you 20 minutes." That's all.

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If everyone endorsed the mods they download not every mod will have the same amount of endorsements because not everyone downloads every mod. That is a different situation though. Realistically people aren't going to endorse everything they download. Some are more lenient on endorsements while others are very strict on it.


We have multiple ways to search for mods including "Most endorsed recently added files" to help filter out good newer mods from the already popular mods. There have been plenty of small mods that didn't take a long time to make that have received the Hot Files section of the front page, are we to say that these mods don't deserve that credit because it didn't take a lot of effort to make? Not everyone is going to think of these small tweaks themselves but a large portion of the community may like such mods. Having a single person release this tiny tweak and the community liking it should warrant recognition.

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Of course, these are all beautiful and politically correct answers ( with a few snide remarks heh ). But consider this : What if everyone endorses every mod they download? Every mods would have the same rating. Every mod having the same rating defeats the purpose of the endorsement system.


What if you go shopping for apples, and you see 15 different type of apples, and they're all rated 10 on 10? Ok, not the best allusion. Let me try again. What if you go shop for computer parts, and all parts from all companies are rated 10 on 10 by all computer reviews? How will you determine which part is better than the other?


I'm not saying we should tell certain modders that their mods sucks. I'm just saying that we can say "well, it's kind of an easy and quick mod you did there. Must've took you 20 minutes." That's all.


A couple things...


How would this result in the exact same rating? The number of people using the mod would almost be guaranteed to be different. Which would produce different results.

Endorsements are a sum of folks who approve, not a rating. You're blasting a system you don't even understand. Very classy.


We can actually test your above hypothesis because we -do- have a count of downloads on the Nexus page for each and every mod. Even unique downloads which factors out repeat downloads.

Do me a favor and go compare a set of a few mods? Do they all have the exact number of downloads? No...they don't.


Also, even if a mod did take twenty minutes, who cares? If someone likes it, the author should at least have that tiny bit of satisfaction, don't you think?


Here's what I'd like to see, a count tallied from NMM of how many folks actually have the mod installed/enabled. That way it isn't subjective. Similar to a TV ratings systems.

Edited by cjthibs
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