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Please do not endorse small mods.


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It is not your place to tell people what they can and cannot endorse.

But its your place to close such annoying threats, or better delete them.



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I agree that sometimes small mods are better.

For every person what makes a mod valuable is different.


A tiny mod can be a change to how much damage you do in combat. Super simple multyplier. But for someone it makes the game 10 times better.

Such a mod is tiny but for that user it changes the game completely and deserves an endorsement.

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I think a mod should be endorsed on its own single merits as opposed to comparisons between similar or related features. By merits I mean things such as is it useful to me? Will it make the experience better or easier? Will it educate or develop your experience more.


OP used the example as single audio changes not being worthy of endorsement. Well if it is for storm weather, VATS, weapons or other similar fairly consistent experiences it has a rhe beal possibility to enrich the experience. Basically, sometimes, the simplest ideas are the best. In my humble opinion. :)

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Please don't endorse Pre-Geck Mods...


Reason, you don't know if better mods coming AD-GECK will see the light of day cause you over-endorsed mods made BC-Geck.

Actually as kidding as I am this is actually kinda the case.


See uh for that matter maybe I should kinda ask that you also don't endorse texture mods cause they are actually mostly very easy made mods just a Photoshop Filter which I could have batch compiled with whats available to me...Also don't endorse mods that I could have just as easily compiled with Ordinator cause uh oh wait its too late there are a few of those in the top 100 if not top 25 dang well I guess people prefer easily made huge mods then cause its about SIZE right?


Of course batch compiling a complete set of optimized texture was something any monkey could have done with Ordinator heck.


Then there are all the rebalance mods, the mods that change bodyslot data whoops that's More Armor Slots and whats that advanced cheese one?

But hey big mod right?


Not really that hard to make...


Then along comes CBBE I guess we shouldn't endorse that either right cause it doesn't off bouncing breast, butt and belly physics yet?


You know who cares endorse whatever ##$@ you like.

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I don't get too personal in saying something to someone on here, unless I am joking around, and being very clear on it, or making a suggestion to a specific person, or even going above and beyond endorsing, and praising the author. However, MisterMaximVS, I say either endorse something, or do not endorse it, but don't tell me to endorse, or not, something. I will say one mod, not the author, to be careful of. And if someone else can take over, or point out a fix, or something, then I may consider going back and using it, and perhaps even putting my endorsement back on it. Frankly, you sound like some little hurt kid who makes small mods, and out come others who make them better, but at the same size. Well, you have some choices to, either stop stealing other people's mods, make them smaller, and then reuploading them; stop being pussy hurt, buck up, make a really good mod; just shut up, go home to your parents' basement, and cry like the little girl you really are, and suck your thumb; or even man up, and do your own thing without telling others what to do. I will endorse, or not, who I like, what I like, and let no one dictate to me what I like, or don't like. I will be watching Gopher's and Dirty Weasel Media's videos for any mention of your mods, MMVS, and if none come up, then I don't have to endorse your mods. If it does, then maybe I might use them, but it's still up to me whether I endorse them, or not.

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