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Everything posted by IglooGreenHouse

  1. I don't think it's the same model, I counted the rivets on the shoulders and there are less on the Fallout 4 version. I may be wrong though.
  2. I remember the early days of the Nexus were very anarchic. I once downloaded an Oblivion mod that gave my PC a virus and I reported it and the mod stayed up for a month. Bethesda.net isn't perfect, but nothing is when it's just begun. All the current complaints that I've heard, while legitimate, don't take into account the site's age and the rate in which it's fixing problems. Bethesda.net also lets console users get mods, and though most people on these forums would scoff at the sentiment that console mods are a good thing, I humbly say that they are. I've received a total of zero negative/nasty comments on my mods, out of hundreds, and the sentiment amongst PC mod users is really negative these days. Maybe console users are a chance for modders to be appreciated by a larger audience. Also, all these bethesda.aids, beth.cancer, BugthesDerp.Nutshot, comments really make this community come off as a bunch of adolescents.
  3. Putting my two cents in, I don't see how modders wanting to get paid has any relevance in the points you're making. Modders have wanted compensation since modding started, and it's a little short sighted to think that it contributes to a larger and more complicated problem. The problem is that Bethesda hasn't yet created a perfect platform for modding. The Nexus has had years to work it's issues out, creating systems to ban mod stealers, police it's community, etc. Beth hasn't learned yet how to do these things, but in the short time that it's been available it's fixed a number of issues, and it'll fix a number more. Why do we need bethesda.net? I think we need it so that modders and mod users have another avenue to find and use mods. It creates competition for quality between the Nexus and Bethesda.net. Having one service isn't good, you end up with a front page full of CBBE's and water texture replacers. Maybe some users want a second opinion on what mods are out there.
  4. I'm happy people see the UFO4P as a damn good mod, but as I said on the Bethesda thread, we never submitted it, so whoever did is engaged in a fraud to claim a prize they have no right to. I'm trying to figure out where to go to get it disqualified as a fraudulent entry but can't find anything on that anywhere. The contest page strangely seems to have no contact methods available at all. I think honestly your best bet is to send a cease and desist.
  5. Yeah, sure, vote for the mod that already has a nearly 230 point lead over almost everyone else >.> Edit: Figure correction, was going off outdated numbers Well I'm voting for the mod that I think deserves to win the most, if that's what you mean. Or would you like me to vote for Pew Pew instead?
  6. Eh, I'll vote for Faction Housing, hope it wins, and move on with my life. Nobody should be surprised that anything pertaining to F04 Mods is being shafted by the companies responsible. Oh my god I've joined the bitter camp.
  7. While working on my worldspace I copied a small area, as well as all the objects behind it, then pasted and saved :/ Several hundred trees and rocks are now doubled over in an area of my map, is there a way to delete objects based on when they were placed? Something like that?
  8. Is this like a complete copy of the Fallout 3 quest? I mean that quest was cool, but I must've beat it 6 times. It'd be interesting to see some different content for the Commonwealth.
  9. http://i.imgur.com/eVyY0pT.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/OFe127V.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/56pQHLe.jpg
  10. Version 0.1.3 is out: More Locations Navmesh Improvements LOD Improvements http://i.imgur.com/LiasqqF.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1YCM9Eb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1zdiOUv.jpg
  11. This is like a fever dream I once had. Looks super amazing.
  12. I like the Nexus, but I not upload the mod itself due to some difficulties on my end. One of them: according to NVIDIA's competition conditions, my work SHOULD NOT take part in ANY other competitions. The appearance of a mod itself in the Hot Files inside the Nexus can be interpreted as a victory in the internal competition. So, I prefer not to risk it, where I do not have a specific need. Nexus was created in order to allow people to share their work. And I made an interesting, high-quality mod, the concept of which previously no one has tried to implement. Yes, it is not available for download from the Nexus Servers. But I do not tease people. Everyone has a fair opportunity to download it by free, but from a different location. So I do not see any ethical problems here. I hope that this time I have not violated any internal rules of Nexus. And sorry for bad english, it is not my native language. Are you aware that it's entirely possible that Nvidia will take your work and use it in whatever way they want to, once you've entered the contest? From the TOS: "Furthermore, you hereby irrevocably and unconditionally grant to NVIDIA, on a royalty-free and non-exclusive basis, a perpetual, irrevocable, freely transferable, freely assignable, freely sublicensable, worldwide license to run, use, copy, reproduce, publish, distribute, perform, display, exhibit, demonstrate, edit, modify, adapt, and create derivative works from, each of your entries in this promotion, whether for purposes related to this promotion or otherwise, and whether via the Internet, electronic, digital, broadcast, theatrical, print, or any other communications media now known or hereafter developed, and in each case free of any and all restrictions and limitations whatsoever (except as imposed by law)."
  13. Looks really carefully crafted, I'm excited to see more!
  14. I am having some difficulties with getting the world LOD to work so that is slowing down the development of quests. (I have some really fun plots written down already however.) As far as the exploration gameplay goes, I will regularly update the map with new areas. A landscape that is continously updated can have some replay value, even if you seen some of it. However for quests, I am taking a different approach. There is not much replay value in WIP quests. Therefore, I will disperse some hints at the back story and quests in form of notes and computer terminals. So players only playing exploration release can get an idea of what is coming. Also complex quest dungeons will be locked until the quest for it is complete. However the approach areas to these dungeons or places will be as highly detailed as the landscape and continously included What's your LOD issue? I'm currently able to get vanilla static objects and the like to appear, landscape too. All that's missing is Far harbor LOD objects. Shoot me a PM if you want help, I think your mod has a lot of potential.
  15. It's a pain in the ass. But hey, i looked really hard for errors in your map, and that was all I found!
  16. Explored around, I like the setting a lot. Noticed two exposed cliff pieces: http://imgur.com/a/Co12L
  17. Looks very very cool. Is there a Nexus version?
  18. Some info about the map I'm using for this mod: http://i.imgur.com/fscZOjJ.jpg The above image is a rough scan of my heightmap taken inside Worldmachine. Though it might be hard to make out, this is a topographical representation of Northern California. It goes northward to the California/Oregon border, eastward to the Sierras, and southward to the Central Coast, stopping around San Louis Obispo. If you look hard you might be able to make out details of the San Francisco Peninsula, Monterey Bay, and of course the Central Valley; an important lore-related location. -Why does the terrain look slightlyoff? Why isn’t it exactly accurate to real world terrain? Because,very simply, that’s boring. In order to give the terrain a necessary facelift I altered it in several ways, and as a result parts of the coastline and important landmarks are significantly washed out. (You can barely point to San Francisco for instance; it’s almost as low as the ocean.) This has a minimal affect in game, most of the close terrain will be modified anyway. -Is the Central Valley under water in game? Thankfully no, but…it almost is. -Will you further alter the terrain? Only from within the Creation Kit. As far as I’m concerned, other than minor alterations, LOD generation stuff, etc this is the heightmap I’ll be using. It is the white blank canvass from which the world will be brought to life.
  19. http://i.imgur.com/1zdiOUv.jpg I’m looking at something I don’t understand. Like how you can stare farther and farther down, at a tree, a branch, a leaf, the veins out of its stem, you look smaller and smaller but there’s always more to see. That’s how this place is. That’s what it feels like. A post office, letters stamped nine cents on the ground, addresses to places I’ve never even thought of but I’d heard the names. Never thought they were real. -Peter http://i.imgur.com/JS2vyHV.jpg What is Echelon? Echelon is a feeling, like loss, of leaving the known human world behind and replacing another. It’s a breach of the invisible barrier between where people can live, and where they’d once lived. It’s been a half-century since the nuclear war. Fifty-years since the combined forces of the Soviet Union and United States turned the world into a sum of ruined parts, and those places long abandoned; the cities and industrial centers hit by the bombs remain places of death for all those who don’t belong. On the West Coast the descendants of survivors of the nuclear exchange live in feudal city-states and fight wars for food and clean water. In California a civil war between the northern and southern half of the state claimed thousands of lives. This is the world of Echelon, brutal, beaten, betrayed by humankind. http://i.imgur.com/wgQlpbX.jpg What is Echelon: California Wilderness? This mod is an interpretation of a novel I finished writing about a year ago. It is currently unpublished. I have published two novels in the past, both post-apocalyptic. This mod is therefore not lore friendly in the slightest. You won’t see NCR Rangers in Shady Sands,or the Enclave, or any of that, that’s not what this mod’s about. This is an alternate history of a Cold War apocalypse. Right now the mod consists of a handful of locations placed within a large geographic world space, comparable in size to Fallout 4’s Commonwealth, if not slightly larger. The heightmap is generated using topographical data collected from the ASTER ll satellite program, made available on the USGS website. How do I play Echelon? There isn’t much gameplay at this point, though there are a few spawned enemies, notes, locked loot containers, etc. If you want to see the world travel to Drumlin Diner and find the new door, which will teleport you to Bodega Bay, or you can use the console command: cow echelonoverworld -50 -3 (make sure to turn on God Mode, it’ll spawn you in the sky.) WARNING: World is not fully navmeshed, dismiss all companions before traveling or you may have issues. From there go west or east to look at a few built up locations. Kill some raiders, find some hidden notes, safe keys, and unique items. Nothing is complete, everything is in some way, shape, or form a mess, and there are zero quests. All of that will change. To install the mod just extract it as you would any Bethesda mod to the data folder. This mod requires Far Harbor. KNOWN ISSUES/BUGS: -Object LOD is limited, with black textures on at least two houses and missing Far Harbor LOD meshes and textures...I'm working on it. -Companion Navmeshing issues, general navmesh problems. -Fast travel is buggy, and often times leads to eternal loading screens. If you find any other major issues please let me know. http://i.imgur.com/qcuTMwm.jpg What do you want Echelon: California Wilderness to be? Where’s the mod headed? That’s a complicated question. My hope is to work on this mod in the same way I work on a writing project: I set myself goals based on what I’m interested in accomplishing at a particular time and go from there, with the distant completion point only being as important as it pertains to my daily work. I can’t promise that this mod will ever be a sprawling 30 hour questline like Falskaar was for Skyrim, though I do see myself working on it for a long time to come. There are a few differences I can already see between making this mod and writing a novel: -Modding requires vast libraries of technical knowledge that I don’t yet have, my success on this project is based almost entirely on my ability to learn what I currently don't know. -The world, the story, the characters are already solidly packed in my mind. I hope to talk more about this in future updates. Echelon (the novel) was a very large project for me, and translating it into this three dimensional environment is sure to be a surreal experience. It's going to be less about building a world, and more about interpreting an already established one. -Unlike writing a book, I hope to collaborate with others on this project, and part of that collaboration means taking my ideas to places I didn’t expect, and letting others have influence over the shape and personality of my world. (And likewise be influenced by other people’s ideas.) What I want is this: to make a mod both faithful to my book and unique to itself, and to feel satisfied that it offers a full, complete experience as a video game. http://i.imgur.com/HGVwM7U.jpg May I help in some way with your mod? Glad you asked! Yes. I’m not looking to organize a huge team at this time, in the style of the Cascadia Seattle team of other equivalent groups, because I’ve been inside enough of those groups to know that the bigger the team is, the more likely they are to collapse in on themselves. However, if there are people who want to contribute I’d be happy to work with individuals on specific goals. I’m open to most types of involvement and time frames for involvement. Want to design your hometown in game and then move on? Great! Thought of a quest you’d like to put into a project somewhere? Good too. Want to stick around and work on this project for the long term? All acceptable. Please send me an email at [email protected], message me on reddit under my user name: innappropriatehaiku, or message me on the Nexus forums under the name igloogreenhouse. (Don't ask, a twelve year old with a dumb gamertag pays the price eleven years later.) Be sure to include the type of work you’re interested in doing in the header of your message, like this: Level Designer, looking to make caves and houses (Or) Environment artist, looking to make native plant textures Then please give a short bio of yourself, followed by a description of your past projects and experience, with links to your work as necessary. If you don’t have any experience please give me a full paragraph describing what sort of work you’d be interested in doing and why. Areas where I’m currently most interested in finding people to join the Echelon team (If you have other ideas please message me): Flora, Fauna Artists – For a distinct California feel. Before long I’d love to have some proper redwood trees in game. Level Designers – City, World, Environment, and Interiors especially. Quest Designers – For both Novel themed quests and individual side quests not novel related, but still within the Novel’s lore (world). Concept Artists – A little bit of everything. Looking for a distinct post-nuclear feel separate from traditional Fallout. (Though I don’t want to talk too much about this right now, if Fallout 4 is high science fiction Echelon is low science fiction with a sprinkle of magic-realism.) I would also like, if possible, to get on board a few veteran modders: not for the purposes of doing work for my mod mind you but for technical support; individuals who would be willing to volunteer their names so I might ask them questions I’d have along the way. Sometimes getting the answers you seek on the internet is daunting, and I’d appreciate the hell out of a few reliable people I could turn to for some Creation Kit and general modding questions. If you’d like to be one of those people let me know. Nexus link: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15332/? Bethesda link: http://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/1972378 Short Gameplay Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xqC-TPOFOs Thank you very much for taking a look at my WIP mod, Christopher Pearson
  20. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12465/?
  21. Could anyone tell me how to fix this issue? The CK won't let me generate LOD Objects: http://imgur.com/ZpOCjea
  22. I like the look of that lighthouse town, good luck in the contest!
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