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How did you start Oblivion


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I don't know half of what is going around in terms of spells, skills, leveling up efficiently.


It all seems confusing. Can anyone give me a few pointers? Is it useful to read the books? Should I go try and complete main quest first and foremost?


I need help.

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Some of the books give skills when you read them, apart from that they give much information about Tamriel in general, society and lore backgrounds, so if you are totally new to the TES series I'd recommend to read them.


Concerning what to do: If you're playing vanilla, it doesn't really matter with which quests you begin. You can do the mainquest, join the guilds and work for them or do some of the sidequests which can be found everywhere, as long as you're not too lazy to talk to people.


For more information concerning leveling etc I recommend reading the Wiki.

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I agree with the ruin thing. Get the Ayleid statue from level 4 of the ruin and sell it in the market place. This will get you another quest after a short time that will give you a reason for walking around the Wilderness. There are few quests in the Imp City apart from this. You'll find one by talking to the shopkeepers in the market district and a second may or may not appear depending on conversations you overhear and who you talk to.


The two 'good guy' guilds are not based in the Imperial City from the point of view of joining. You need Chorrol or Anvil for the Fighters Guild and any city for the Mages Guild. You can follow their quests. No need to do the main quest until you want to. However there is a lot to be said for getting it out of the way at a low level. (At higher levels the Oblivion gates are wearisome.)


The 'bad guy' guilds are not started in the same way. Find a quest called 'Two sides of a coin' in Bruma and the Thieves Guild will approach you (if you can't be bothered with finding it for yourself). The Dark Brotherhood will visit you when you fulfil certain conditions.


Of course you do not need to join any guilds if you don't want to.


There are side quests in all cities, usually found by asking about 'rumours'. In the Wilderness quests can be found occasionally at Inns, villages, farms and camps. There are also shrines to the Daedric gods, each one of which will offer you a quest. These are level dependent.


Above all, if you can, download a few mods to add to the game's immersiveness. Without them much of Cyrodiil becomes inconsequential.


Hope this helps.

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I usually start out going through the mages guild recommendations, by the time you finish you should have a decent set of equipment and access to spells which can make things after that a bit easier. I usually make myself an amulet/ring of water breathing right then to make swimming easier. Since you can't drown, you can swim to raise your athletics faster before slaughterfish are a common problem. Once I get a silver weapon and some armor enchanted with shielf I usually head over to anvil to do some of the side quests. As I'd be level 5 or so by the time I finish, and already near kvatch I usually start on the main quest at that point. Kvatch at lower levels usually results in guards being too low level, Kvatch at higher levels usually results in daedra being too strong. Best to do that part of the main quest before you get too high level (level 3 to 6 works well enough for me. From there, jump between the MQ and whatever guild you want to stick with.
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I usually start out going through the mages guild recommendations, by the time you finish you should have a decent set of equipment and access to spells which can make things after that a bit easier. I usually make myself an amulet/ring of water breathing right then to make swimming easier. Since you can't drown, you can swim to raise your athletics faster before slaughterfish are a common problem. Once I get a silver weapon and some armor enchanted with shielf I usually head over to anvil to do some of the side quests. As I'd be level 5 or so by the time I finish, and already near kvatch I usually start on the main quest at that point. Kvatch at lower levels usually results in guards being too low level, Kvatch at higher levels usually results in daedra being too strong. Best to do that part of the main quest before you get too high level (level 3 to 6 works well enough for me. From there, jump between the MQ and whatever guild you want to stick with.


How do you go about making a ring/amulet of water? I've been trying to figure out how to make these enchanted weapons and such.

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How do you go about making a ring/amulet of water? I've been trying to figure out how to make these enchanted weapons and such.

When you first join the Mages' Guild, you have to complete a quest from each guild hall in every city (Kvatch excluded) before you are allowed into the University.


Once you do get in the University, there is a facility there that will allow you to enchant weapons and apparel (clothing, armor, and jewelry).


To enchant something there, you'll need two things: knowledge of the exact spell(s) you wish to use, and a Soul Gem of the appropriate strength. Now, to enchant a ring for Water Breathing, the strength of a Soul Gem is irrelevant (the effect is either 'on' or 'off', so a Petty Soul Gem works just as good as a fully-charged Grand Soul gem). During the course of your questing with the Mages' Guild, happily enough, you will have been given a free Water Breathing spell, so you should already "know" the spell you wish to enchant into the ring (Water Breathing is an Apprentice-level Alteration spell, though, so make sure your character's skill level in Alteration is 25 or higher. If not, cast a simple Alteration-based spell on yourself until your Alteration hits 25).


The Soul Gem you have (which can be found or purchased by certain vendors, mainly ones you find in the Mages' Guild halls) will be used to supply power for the enchanted item. Gem and item will combine and you get something that will automatically (and constantly) impart a Water Breathing spell on your character whenever he wears it.


Essentially, you're "socketing" (a Diablo II term here) a gem/rune into an item, but the exact effect is determined by the list of spell effects your character has currently learned (this includes any purchased/rewarded spells, racial traits, and powers). An Imperial, for example, knows how to make new Charm spells even if they're a Novice in Illusion, because a Charm spell is part of that race's special powers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you need to kill someone DONT kill any guards or citizens,kill beggars they're easier to get away with albeit they have no money and DONT try to live off stuff in the boxes in the market in the IC I tried :D


AND also ask the IC shopkeepers about Thoronir (Easy quest)


hehe CAPS

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I just went around killing bandits and selling their stuff. I think I looted that mine next to Chorrol several times starting out.


A good bit of advice to starting players is be careful when leveling up (the sleeping part, not gaining skill points part). Enemies match your leveling up, it's not like Morrowind. Of course the higher level bandits are a better source of money since their stuff is worth more. It all depends upon a player's taste when it comes to that, of course.


Another bit of advice is to go into the Oblivion gates with a few extra potions and no junk. That way you have a better chance of making it out alive with as much loot as possible.

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