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DB Quest: kill the kajit


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I'm having a problem with a DB quest.


I'm supposed to kill a Kajit in Bruma, an expert at hand to hand-- sorry, not sure of the name. It's the next quest after 'wipe out the ol' lady and all her children'.


BUT: Outside his house, I get an arrow saying he's inside [he isn't], and inside I get an arrow saying he's outside.


Is there a console command I can use to make him show up, or is there something I'm not getting?


Oh, related: for some reason, reading the orders [dead drop #3] makes the 'active quest' arrow show up on his house, but it doesn't actually add a 'quest' to the journal. Is this a known issue, or is my game breaking?


All help appreciated!


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Please tell me you've gone through the Main Quest as far as the "Spies" mission. It occurs in the same city, Bruma, as this DB quest. Same city, same kind of houses, with the same kind of— hidden doors.
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I was saving the main quest for last, haven't delivered the Amulet of Kings yet.


I'm the head of the Thief's guild, working on the 'King of Worms' stuff for the mages [just found the Bruma guild massacre], and the Blackwood story line with the Fighters.

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Bruma's homes are built in the Nord style, notably that the living quarters are typically sunk below ground level to keep them warm against cold winter winds. Essentially, everyone's bedrooms are in the basement...
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Boy, I'm getting a bad feeling about this...


I looked in the basement, and unless there's a secret door or something, he isn't there. Plus, the pink arrow switching from inside to outside is worrying.


I'll check again when I have the game running [it seems more stable if its the only program], but is there a command to bring him back to the game if something has gone wrong? Would it be wise to get moving on the main quest before doing anything else?

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(Don't worry, Switch :P )


If Rhydderch's hints didn't help, I'll just tell you this;


Look at the floor around the crates that are next to the front door (inside).

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Moving this to Spoilers...

If this thread was made in Spoilers in the first place, I would not have wasted all this time dropping hints (I figured the fact that it wasn't in Spoilers meant the original poster wanted a push in the right direction, not the entire roadmap).

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