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[Steal] Stealing Power Armour possible to fix with mod?


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At the moment, if you destroy or successfully steal a fusion core from someone wearing power armor, they will step out of it and it becomes free for the taking.

Pop in your own new fusion core, and you can walk away with it.

The only issue is that it is treated like you are stealing it. This also applies to enemy power armor.


So I was hoping that someone know if it is simple enough to mod this, so it is no longer classed as stealing.

Also keep in mind that I would not want stealing removed from all power armor, as there are some on the Prydwen which are not yours to take for free, but at lease to be able to claim your prize if successfully obtain one from an enemy.


Thanks for reading :)

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I was just thinking that, you can kill a Raider and take their stuff. This is not classed as stealing, but if you make a raider come out of their power armor, then kill them, the only way to use their power armor is to then steal it. Some Companions will dislike it, or if its is near friendly people they will turn hostile towards you.

(No issues killing raiders, gunners, etc in power armor, but not aloudto steal their power armor when they are dead?)

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I noticed that its listed as "STEAL" however, I travel with Piper who hates stealing, and she never seems to mind if I take them, so not sure if its a glitch on my end or not

Maybe she just wasn't looking? She always got irked when I did it.


Well. It IS technically theft. I wouldn't want someone to nick my armour, just coz its out of battery. I'd say this is mostly a cheat mod. Why not just summon as many suits as you want, if you're going that far.

Considering I can loot the broken armor pieces off the previous owner and it's not stealing, why do the remaining pieces and the frame count? It's a design oversight or a bug.



None of the above discussion relates to whether this can be fixed without the GECK though.

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Figured out what it was. She doesn't care when I "borrow" the armor, as in get in, use, leave, etc. But if I attempt to use the "transfer" window or straight up take pieces from the frame she hates it. That being said, you can still get in the armor and unequip the pieces with no issue (also can have her get in and then unequip from the trade window). Only way I found to claim the STEAL power armor frames is to use the setownership command when having the frame selected, this'll make the frame yours permanently and no1 will be upset by you getting in it

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