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Mercbird's Birthday


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Remembering the warm felicitations I recieved from Mercbird back in February, I have great pleasure in announcing that she is, as of today, as old as me! :D


Have a good one, Merc! 8)

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Happy Birthday! Come on show your face, we haven't seen you for over a month now ;D


Karkarinus again? Good of you to notice again. I hereby promote you to the unofficial forum-people-we-all-know-birthday-thread poster! :happy:

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Thank you very much everyone, the party only ended tonight.


And I finally had the chance to install my new network card, we seem to attract a curiously high amount of lightning in the area (could also be that the house is old and the wiring kinda dicey).


But thanks for all the wishes, and Karikarinus, I am proudly displaying my first grey hair to all who are interested (and to some who are not, young suckers!) Pays to be tall :P

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