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NiTriShape convert to BSTriShape [NifSkope]


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Never been any good with nifskope, after 10 minutes everything starts to blend into one mass of letter and numbers. Do you mean this ?





if not then apologies, these where exported using http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5622/? from Max 2016.



Edit; after some research I'v found people informing that the dismemberment (or the newer modifier ) is basically gibberish to Max, so I guess exporting is out of the question. Thers currently only a handful of people who can make valid nifs by using Hex code.

Edited by Aikospacerogue
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How did you get your plugin to work, as i keep getting a error syaing it can't read BSTrishape files? Any ideas?

Where are the NIF Files coming from BAE or Blender or Maya or another Format to be compatible with other 3D Modellers?


When does this error pop-up: Upon Importing, Exporting, Editing, After using 3DSMax to Convert NIF to Blender or Maya?


I use the Installer Version of 3DSMax NIF Plugin with 3DSMax 2016 Student Version and have no Error message like that.


Also for everyone who comes across this post as I just found the answer for Convert Shapes in NifSkope a few minutes ago, but based on above Post I would do this when your finish editing.


How to Convert from BSTriShape to BSSubIndexTriShape

1. Open NifSkope

2. Go to Block List > Expand NiNode

3. Right-Click BSTriShape (Not Rightside) > Block > Convert

4. Bethesda > BSSubIndexTriShape


Edited by Lukong1515
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