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Fallout vs. Witcher


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As much as I enjoyed FO4, I still think Witcher 3 was a better game overall. Bethesda killed their chances when they made Fallout a hollow shell of its predecessors.


There's a reason Witcher 3 received almost 5 times as many GoTY picks.


That said, I'm still going to put many more hours into Fallout 4 because modding gives the game near infinite content & replability.

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As much as I enjoyed FO4, I still think Witcher 3 was a better game overall. Bethesda killed their chances when they made Fallout a hollow shell of its predecessors.


There's a reason Witcher 3 received almost 5 times as many GoTY picks.


That said, I'm still going to put many more hours into Fallout 4 because modding gives the game near infinite content & replability.

Which raises a question...why hasn't modding the Witcher caught on? Last time I checked the tools were considerably more difficult to use, but still...

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Which raises a question...why hasn't modding the Witcher caught on? Last time I checked the tools were considerably more difficult to use, but still...

I think that is due to the protagonist being set as Geralt and players not being able to make their own characters. Primarily here at Nexus people are used to Bethesda games where they can make their character look however they like. On the other hand TW3 modding is limited to fit the confines of the base story driven game. For me, that is a modding interest shortfall.

IF ProjektRed made a game with the same technical and visual qualities as TW3 but allowed mod freedom (make your own character, add complicated quests, etc.) people would start modding it, imo. Imagine freedom to mod like a Bethesda game but with a story and world setting made by ProjektRed. I think it would be a huge success.

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IF ProjektRed made a game with the same technical and visual qualities as TW3 but allowed mod freedom (make your own character, add complicated quests, etc.) people would start modding it, imo. Imagine freedom to mod like a Bethesda game but with a story and world setting made by ProjektRed. I think it would be a huge success.


The best of both worlds, indeed. Hopefully their cyberpunk game works out well. I really like the Shadowrun series, and I'm hoping CDPR can nail that Gibsonian cyberpunk feel.

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.why hasn't modding the Witcher caught on?

I believe it's because tools are still VERY user-unfriendly, and even if you figure out how to use them, you are very limited at what you can do with them. You can play around with game mechanics, you can edit visuals, but that's all. You can't make new areas, you can't make new quests, etc... No doubt there's no so much active modders as in Skyrim or Fallout communities.

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Something else to consider as to why TW3 modding hasn't taken off like Bethesda modding does is a need for mods. In reality some of the most popular Nexus mods are cosmetics for female characters; nude replacers, better face textures and so on. Those sorts of things aren't really needed to begin with to make a game good but TW3 already has them packaged with the game. When I look at the personality NPCs in TW3 I don't see room for improvement. Yennifer, Triss, Keira, Jutta look great as is.


Cyberpunk: I saw a video where the developers were talking to the original author of the pencil and paper 'Cyberpunk' RPG from the late 1980s. That was way before my time for gaming but from what I gathered the author is lead design adviser. ProjektRed is making video game based on his original Kafkaesque dystopian vision. It sounds promising and they are in no rush, making the best game they're capable of. Bethesda could take a lesson or two from them, but that is another subject entirely.

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Get real, FO4 cannot be really compared to TW3



TW3 is high quality in all respects, FO4 is a half-done copy-pasted fake ass world. Bethesda stopped finishing their games when they realized fans will fix them for free using the toolset

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